Author Topic: 21 month old still takes bottle at bedtime  (Read 5437 times)

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Re: 21 month old still takes bottle at bedtime
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2010, 17:40:16 pm »
I have a 19mo son who was very difficult to wean onto a sippy cup, in fact he was around 15mo before e could get him to use one, i bought a total of 7 different ones before i found on he liked, but he still has his bedtime milk from a bottle. He wont drink it from his sippy at night time, and he takes the bottle as his cue that its bedtime. After his bath, he is changed into his pj's, has a story then its milk and bed. I dont see a problem weaning him off this bottle for a while yet, it doesnt seem to do him any harm and as i say he knows that its the last thing to happen before he is taken to bed.

Offline Spandanna

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Re: 21 month old still takes bottle at bedtime
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2010, 18:09:16 pm »

I definitely agree with all the posts that suggest they will wean themselves when they are ready. DS is just over 15 months and the last 2 weeks we have trialed sippy cups.

I didn't mind giving him bottles and like many of you actually really enjoyed the cuddle time but I am pregnant with no2 due 2nd January and will be having to do most bedtimes by myself because of DH's working hours and want him to be able to do some of the routine for himself! I was really surprised at how well DS took to milk from the cup. It didn't phase him at all!

Up until we dropped that bottle we had been letting him feed himself from bottle laid in my arms on a chair but now he climbs onto the sofa/chair thing himself and points at the cup! TBH he hardly drinks any of it compared with the bottle but he hasn't been waking for it in the night and still only has a couple of oz of his morning milk which has been going on for months. His appetite for food however is immense so I guess he's getting his calories and fluids throughout the day which is fine. Equally if he hadn't have liked the cup I would have kept him on the bottle until he's ready!