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mucus in stool and other questions
« on: June 29, 2010, 21:38:27 pm »
Today I noticed what I think was mucus in my LO's stool.  However, I find it odd that I am just noticing it now, after I started a dairy elimination.  Granted, I just started it Friday.  I know it takes 4 weeks for their insides to heal, but would it be the same for their stool?  Or would I take this as there is something else in my diet that is effecting him?

Also, for those that have done a dairy elimination, how long did it take to see any improvement? 

I have an appt. with the ped on Thursday and I need to go there understanding what I am doing and how I should go on.  I feel like I have no idea.


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Re: mucus in stool and other questions
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2010, 01:34:17 am »
Hi there.  yes, you can still have mucous in the stool (even blood) once you've started an elimination diet.  The proteins stay in the breast milk for up to 2 weeks, and then in the baby for up to 2 weeks - so could be 4 weeks before the diapers look better.

Sorry this is short - my laptop is acting up and is about to die on me!

Will check in with you later!   :-*

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Re: mucus in stool and other questions
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2010, 02:08:59 am »
Hi Kara,
Agree with pp, mucous can be another sign of irritation in the gastrointestinal tract.  When DS was having all his problems with MSPI, there was frequently mucous, sometimes with blood, sometimes without.

I noticed a difference in DS within 24 hours of eliminating ALL dairy, including trace amounts, from my diet (I used to be a HUGE milk drinker).  Every LO is different though so don't expect the same with your guy, particularly if you are dealing with more than one food intolerance.  My son certainly wasn't 100% at that point but he suddenly seemed to be more comfortable and I was actually able to cuddle him without the usual squirming around for the first time since he was only a few weeks old  :)

HTH  :)

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Re: mucus in stool and other questions
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2010, 02:11:04 am »
Kara, the mucous went away about 3wks into dairy elimination (about 1wk into total elimination including hidden dairy) but has reappeared in the last few days (about a week after it initially disappeared).  So I too am stuck wondering what the heck is going on - did some dairy sneak in somewhere or am I dealing with something else?  So frustrating!  :P
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Re: mucus in stool and other questions
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2010, 10:37:36 am »
I fear that this is more than dairy then, because I haven't really seen too much of an improvement in symptoms.  There is less fussing during eating.  Yet the same amount after and still lots of fussiness and vomiting throughout the day.

I am just surprised that I haven't noticed any mucus up until now I guess.

Martina, it is so hard isn't it?  It saddens me greatly to say this, but I may stop bf and go to a hypoallergenic formula.  There are too many possibilities and things to eliminate and I don't know if I can emotionally/mentally tackle them.

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Re: mucus in stool and other questions
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2010, 16:41:30 pm »
It is hard.  I have to admit when I stop and think about it, how overwhelmed I am with everything this time around.  T was a breeze compared to all this with F!

But I have to say, as pro-breastfeeding I am, you have to look out for your well-being and if you are not happy then it's not a good fit.  In fact, it has been so trying for me this time too that there have been times when I've just thought I want to give up and switch to formula.  I think if I had to start worrying about eliminating more than dairy I might have.  Luckily I'm pretty sure it's only dairy that's our problem.

(((hugs))), whichever choice you make will be the right one for you and C.   :-*
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Re: mucus in stool and other questions
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2010, 18:54:24 pm »
Martina, how were you sure it was only dairy?  Did F's symptoms clear up quick with the elimination of dairy?

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Re: mucus in stool and other questions
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2010, 19:18:07 pm »
Yes, the symptoms went away with only the dairy elimination.  F was MUCH less fussy and his poos went back to normal after a few weeks like I mentioned, and the gassiness went away.  Then the green mucous poos returned on Monday and I've been trying to figure out why because I hadn't had anything with dairy in it.  This morning I realized what it might have been - a pesto sauce that DH cooks with quite often.  On Sunday night we had pasta which he would have used a lot of it in the sauce.  I checked the ingredients, and sure enough it has cheese and other milk ingredients.  Something so obvious and yet not.   ::)

Now just gotta wait and see how long it takes to get it out of our systems.  :P

I've been keeping a log as well to try and pinpoint potential problems.  I can't say 100% that there aren't any other problem foods, but I don't think so.  I would think if soy were a problem I'd notice because I eat a lot of it in the absence of dairy.  Same with wheat, it's one of my staples and it's not causing problems.  I'm staying away from citrus and berries just to be safe though.  I eat nuts and eggs though, and I don't suspect any problems there either.

The elimination process is daunting to say the least.  I was worried I'd have to go the total elimination route, and that would have been hard.  But actually the ND said to just stick with the no dairy and see, and I'm glad I did.  Dairy free is limited enough as it is!  I would have tried an elimination diet before giving up BFding, but I know I woud have been miserable.  I love my food!  And it was hard enough giving up dairy which is basically my favorite food group.  But once you know what the problem foods are, it's easy to figure out what to eat, just takes practice.  The worst part is the detective work that it takes!  :P
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Re: mucus in stool and other questions
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2010, 19:25:53 pm »
OK, so it took a few weeks to see a difference.  I keep hearing (or reading) how people noticed a difference in days and I definitely haven't.  So I will give it more time.

Since M is totally dairy free, I already know what I can eat.  I just get disappointed because like you, there are foods that I eat every day and I miss them.

Yeah, pesto has parmesan cheese and lots of it! The only reason I know that is because I make tons of it from scratch every summer.  Otherwise, I wouldn't have known either.  I hope F feels better soon!

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Re: mucus in stool and other questions
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2010, 19:34:53 pm »
I know pesto has dairy in it, it just didn't occur to me that DH was cooking with it so much!  :P

What has really helped has been finding 'treats' that I can eat to give me something to look forward to.  I know it's not the same, but it kinda helps.  After we move I'm going to dig out my ice cream maker and make myself some coconut milk ice cream!  ;)

I noticed that F was less fussy within days of stopping dairy, but the poops took awhile for improvement.  Don't get me wrong - he was still fussy - but not AS fussy.  I would say give it a bit more time and see.  What's a few more weeks in the long run?  Then if no improvement, see where to go from there.

And when I can finally eat dairy again, I'm going to have yogurt for breakfast, plus something like pancakes or french toast, and cereal drenched in MILK, not almond milk - a grilled cheese for lunch, plus a soup of the creamy variety, no more of this bland vegetable broth stuff - and for dinner something totally loaded with yummy, creamy, fatty dairy, like fettuccine parmesean, or steak and creamy mashed potatoes - butter on everything - and for dessert I'm going to make DH go out and buy me a Baskin Robbins chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream cake with fudge icing.....mmmmmm..................LOL   ;D  Basically I'm going to eat nothing but dairy foods all day.  :P
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Re: mucus in stool and other questions
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2010, 22:44:10 pm »
asically I'm going to eat nothing but dairy foods all day.
You just made me laugh.  You are too funny.  I am looking forward to my greek yogurt and feta cheese.  Those are 2 things I ate EVERY day.

Yes, I am going to give it a few more weeks.   I am going to talk about meds tomorrow though.  so then will I really know what made the difference?

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Re: mucus in stool and other questions
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2010, 01:26:42 am »
Hang in there Kara!  :)  Glad you are going to remain dairy free for a bit to see if it helps.   When we finally had our diagnosis, we were so lucky that our specialist was the doc who published the guide for the other docs about how to manage MPI.  He has found that the 4 most common foods that LOs are intolerant to are dairy, soy, beef, and legumes.  After that, it's anyone's guess!   I'm telling you this in case you find it is more than dairy so you know what to expect.  I have been off all of these for 3 months now and have found foods that I enjoy as alternatives.   As Marina mentioned, it's hardest in the beginning but then you find safe foods and it's not so bad.  It's actually a very healthy was of eating  :)

Good luck at the docs.  Does your DS have another medical issue that requires meds?

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Re: mucus in stool and other questions
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2010, 01:49:17 am »
Hi Kara,

I have been dairy free since before DDs birth. It seems though that eggs are also a huge issue for erh in my diet. Due to all the squirming and fussing and general absolute PITA to keep breastfeeding, I am now expressing and feeding. Her poops have gotten worse of late and I know that I have not had any milk, hidden or obvious.

Make sure that the ingredients are OK. Many MANY foods have modified milk ingredients, margerine has Whey protein in it, there is a ton of hidden dairy, shocking really.

I have not been totally soy free, and now the paediatrician has also todl me to go wheat free - i eat tons of bread as it is just easy. Normally I never eat bread.

In a way I do not know why I bother - well I do, but YKWIM - as we will have to go to formula at least by 4 months, as I am going back to work at 5, and as the HAF tastes so vile, I do not want to get in a situation where she refuses to drink it. I cannot see myself pumping for the next 10 to 12 months!

HUGS and good luck, the ED is tough, but so well worth it.

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Re: mucus in stool and other questions
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2010, 11:28:08 am »
Everything you are both naming are things that I eat.  What on earth can you eat if you eliminate so many foods?  I feel like DS#1 if I have to eliminate more than dairy. 

I want to talk about reflux meds to see if that helps the situation.  Right now nothing is changing and we are all exhausted.  (Or should I say I am, since I am the one home with a crying baby all the time?)

DI - I go back to work at 3 months and I have to do the same with formula.  So I am thinking of starting it rather soon actually.

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Re: mucus in stool and other questions
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2010, 01:29:03 am »
It is probably best to just eliminate the dairy for the time being and not worry about the other possibilities.  Give your body and your LO's body a chance to rid themselves of all the dairy proteins and then some time for your DS's little insides to heal.   Then, if he is still symptomatic, eliminate the soy.  I chose to eliminate the 4 foods I mentioned right from the get go but you don't have to go that route.
With regards to reflux, my DS also on meds for same.   We have been on 3 different ones actually!  Reflux can be either a symptom of the MPI or a completely separate issue altogether.  Have you had a chance to jump onto the Crying, Reflux and Colic boards?   Loads of great info there  :)  Can you describe all the signs and symptoms your LO is exhibiting?  Do you find he brings his knees up a lot?  Wriggly, squirmy?  Gassy?  Other suspicious behaviour, times when crying, type of cry, etc?  Might be able to help narrow things down.

I know it's hard, especially with 2 LO's to care for and one not feeling well.  {HUGS}