Hi Kara,
I have been dairy free since before DDs birth. It seems though that eggs are also a huge issue for erh in my diet. Due to all the squirming and fussing and general absolute PITA to keep breastfeeding, I am now expressing and feeding. Her poops have gotten worse of late and I know that I have not had any milk, hidden or obvious.
Make sure that the ingredients are OK. Many MANY foods have modified milk ingredients, margerine has Whey protein in it, there is a ton of hidden dairy, shocking really.
I have not been totally soy free, and now the paediatrician has also todl me to go wheat free - i eat tons of bread as it is just easy. Normally I never eat bread.
In a way I do not know why I bother - well I do, but YKWIM - as we will have to go to formula at least by 4 months, as I am going back to work at 5, and as the HAF tastes so vile, I do not want to get in a situation where she refuses to drink it. I cannot see myself pumping for the next 10 to 12 months!
HUGS and good luck, the ED is tough, but so well worth it.