Here is a list of some of Sofia's favorite meals:
- Toast with cheese. I first introduced this by toasting her bread, removing the crusts (cause 90% of children detest it). Then adding a piece of cheese and cutting her bread into squares. 3 stripes across both ways. ...she is a big fan of cheese (most children are)
- mac and cheese. I actually make a home-made version but she won't eat that one anymore. So, now I buy the kraft with the cauliflower. Its the SMART one. (at least there is a veggie in there somewhere)
- French toast made with sweet potato in the mix, cut up in squares. (at least I know she is getting protein and veggies) I make a pancake version too. ohhhh and grill cheese version of this as well.
- cheese sticks and yoghurt as a snack.
- Bear paw cookies if she eats lunch or dinner as a kind of reward but not all the time....loves the brownie kind
- I tried introducing smoothies. She hated them. but it is worth it for you. She still hates them. I can try it another time.
- all kinds of pasta minus any sauce but seems to like pesto. tortellini, ravioli, so that there is meat in there too.
- frittata (omelette) with cheese, bacon asparagus etc....rachel ray rec.
- and of course when all fails give her a banana.
