Sabs, wasn't she eating more variety before?
She was eating more before! She no longer enjoys her old foods.

She will be 20months on the 11th.
I try to hold off on snacks and if I do give her a snack it normally consists of crackers, craisins and some fruit. ATM I am trying to get her to eat some more fruit. She will only eat strawberries now. I have introduced grapes over the last few days and she ate 3 of them.

I also only give her one snack a day, which is usually mid morning. If I give her a snack after her nap she will not eat much dinner.
I only offer her some sweets, if she ate most of her meal. The only sweets she will eat ATM are: smarties, toddler biscuits, Motts juice treats, teddy grahams or a little ice cream.
Here is what she ate today:
6oz bottle upon waking
Breakfast: yogurt + half waffle + one Melba toast
Snack: craisins + 2 grapes
Lunch: 2 pieces of chicken + a few bites of bread +yogurt + 1 strawberry
Dinner: ate 3 rotinni pasta + 2 tbspn of corn; didn't want to touch anymore when hubby offered her a meatball. She got upset!
Bed time bottle: 8oz