Sabs I agree that her bottles might be an issue. At around 12 months old toddlers should be making the shift away from bottles as a meal (ie/ 6-8 ounce bottles) to milk as a drink. We started at about 13/14 months and by 15/16 months DS was getting a few sippy cups through the day of 2-4 ounces of milk, not large volumes at once/. Just something we have to go in a little cup with our meals and snacks. I would say that Madi is getting 2 extra meals a day of milk, and that will be having a huge affect on her appetite. I would start by dropping her morning milk down to 2-4 ounces to go with her breakfast, and not have it be something she sits and drinks and then eats, but something she drinks along with her meal. Offer a few ounces at her snack or lunch and a few at her afternoon snack and dinner and then only another 3-4 ounces before bed. It will help her to be hungrier in the morning for breakfast and at dinner she knows it doesn't matter if she eats or not, she is getting a full meal before bed anyway.
I also think that when you said in one post "I just don't know what to make for her anymore" that if you keep looking at it this way, then when you do find the 3 or 4 things that she likes, and you make them for her all the time, what will happen in a few weeks when she is sick to death of eating them and starts refusing
those foods. She will then be expecting you to turn tricks and find her some new things to like - trust me, I've been there!!!! Instead I really think that this is the age when it's crucial to start the "this is it" attitude towards meals (within reason) or their control and attitude towards eating will be so engrained by the time they are 2, 3, 4 years old you will have a bigger battle on your hands. We went through this when DS was 19/20 months old and I do have a thread on it, our journey through the "this is your meal and that's it" I mean. It didn't take anywhere NEAR as long as I thought it would but I will warn you that we have really slipped the past two months (travelling, being busy, etc etc) and have had to take this attitude again and start all over and it is not nearly as easy with a 24 month old. SO as for waht you will make for her - you make things that are reasonable for her to like, the family meal at dinner time (altered if need be, ie/ I do not expect my LO to eat spicy chilli so he will have a portion that is removed before the spice was added, iykwim) and that's that. And for instance, I do know that no matter how much I try my DS will not eat eggs in any form (which annoys me because he loved them from 8-13 months

) but I do offer them from time to time and on a night when we are having quiche for dinner I do not go out of my way to make him a separate meal per se but instead offer him some of the quiche (dipped in ketchup, cut up and mixed in zaziki, etc) and actually he surprised me a few weeks ago and ate 4 or 5 bites mixed into a pot of zaziki until he heard DH say to me "is he eating EGG?!" and then DS refused

Anyway, on a night like that I would still give him the quiche and whatever we are having with it (usually a potato or pasta salad and cold veggies) and then give him a slice of toast, a bit of cheese cut up and a bit of deli meat and/or baked beans. He can choose what to eat from there - so I've not really made him a meal but respected that after tying it 50-60 times, I KNOW he just does NOT like it. Something I have offered once or twice or that he has eaten in the past, tough!
I would meal plan her breakfasts and lunches for a couple of weeks to prevent yourself from falling into old standbys and to make sure that there is a lot of variety in there. Maybe try to repeat every couple of days - so if you are working on getting her to eat a ham sandwich then offer it for lunch every other day so she gets used to it. Give it to her and ignore her/her meal. If you are encouraging or coaxing her in any way at all to eat then it's a huge power game for her. Meal is on the table, she eats, great, she doesn't, then fine.
I will try to find my thread and see if it is any help for you!