I know that there are hundreds of threads already on this topic so please forgive me. I have read and re-read threads and sample routines etc but I still feel so wound up and at a loss about my LO's routine. - all made worse this week due to my return to work for 2 days a week and him now going to a childminders (who has her own kids and routine to consider!!)
A little history to set the scene - my LO is a great night sleeper and has been since 3-4 months old - this is so great and I feel very blessed

- and I hope it continues!! But, from an early age (we are talking 8 weeks old or so) he has been a woeful day sleeper. A short nap king! But we have coped and we have had times where I have thought "Yes, we have cracked it!" but the week or so of great naps just suddenly ends again and we are back to short naps or all over the place naps.
My little boy is nearly 1 year old. This is our schedule - or, I should say, our ideal schedule!
7am wake up (wake up can be earlier e.g. 6.30 but I tend to not get him up til 7)
7.30am breakfast
8.30am bottle
10.00 snack
10.30 Nap - is usually 1 hour
11.30 Awake
12.00 - 1.00 lunch
2.00 bottle (am phasing this out)
3.30 Nap - sometimes point blank refuses and cries and cries whilst on other days will nap for 30 mins
4.00 Awake
5.00 dinner
6.15 bath and bottle
7.00 Asleep
*On the 1 nap days he goes to bed at 6.30pm
*If we are out and about he may not nap til 11am but still will sleep 1 hour but pm nap is then hit and miss
My questions.....
-Help! I am just so confused - do I shorten his morning nap?? My gut instinct tells me that I should just let him sleep for however long he wants - which is usually 1 hour. Occasionally it will be 30 mins but I see this as an UT nap as I have put him down too early.
-I would love to have a set routine that stuck but at the moment I feel here there and everywhere and it is getting me down! He can cope on 1 nap but I am not sure for how long..I am scared it will lead to issues with his night sleeping or morning wake ups.
-Is he ready for 1 nap? If so, at what time??? I have tried this on some days - like today - he went to nap at 12 but he woke at 1. He wouldn't take an afternoon nap at all.

-Can a LO have a different schedule on different days to fit with childminder and then with me? I am dreading when he goes to 1 long nap (if that happens!) from 12pm-2 ish as my childminder won't be able to keep that up with her own routine (school run, music group etc)
What I don't understand is that at around 10.5 months he started randomly sleeping for 2 hours from mid morning and that was usually enough to see him through to bed - with the odd cat nap on tired days. Only thing that was different was that we had flown long haul with a time difference of 12 hours (NZ to UK). Then it just stopped happening after a couple of weeks.

I would so dearly appreciate some advice/support so that I don't get myself so down hearted again! I want to enjoy him but I get so obsessed with naps that it takes over!
Thank you!