Thanks everyone. I tried to post yesterday, but I kept losing it. I had an appointment with the ped and it was very confusing. I pretty much broke down in the office and said that I had not seen any improvement at all from being off of dairy for 1 week and I was afraid that it is something else. I don't have it in me to go 3 more weeks, find out it is something else, and try and eliminate that. It is too stressful and tiring. He went on to say that there isn't significant research that drastic elimination diets work and that breast milk is always beneficial. I didn't want to sound like a nut talking about my 'online friends', but I said that I know many people it works for. Anyway, I said I was thinking of switching to a HAF and he suggested I give it until Tuesday on it, pump to maintain my supply, and if I see a difference I can add in bm later. In the office, this seemed reasonable. However, when I got home, I wondered if I would notice anything in that short time and if I did, wouldn't adding bm back in be like adding poison back in since I still have something that is causing pain? His opinion, as DH explained it to me, was that bm is beneficial no matter what. But to me, that seems crazy if there is something in it causing him pain.
Anyway, reflux was confirmed as my LO's voice was hoarse, throat was red, and his boogers were snow white. I also brought a diaper that had what I thought was mucus and he did say it was loose and tested it to find some blood in it. So we know there is something upsetting my LO.
For those who don't know me, DS#1 has EE and reflux. He is off of several foods, which is why I am thinking of a HAF. I am afraid we are going down the same road and I don't want to spend months with DS#2 in pain like the 1st only to switch to formula anyway. I am trying to remember, but I think we saw a difference within a few days like Jean did.