I have been meaning to post this for about 2 months but have been too tired and too busy to. Laura is almost 15 months old and we are having difficulty getting her to sleep at night at a reasonable time. Her bedtime seems to be 9:45pm and she wakes between 5:50 and 6:30am – usually no NWs, thank God. I am not objecting about the wakeup time although I would prefer a wakeup anytime after 6am. However I want to get my quiet time with hubby back at night. It doesn’t help that her older brother is going through his own horrible sleep phase but that story is for another post. Here’s her current schedule, give or take 15min:
Up 6am
Nap #1 10am – 12pm
Nap #2 3:30/4pm – 5pm they wake her at 5 upon my request or she’s still be sleeping!
Bedtime 9:45pm – nothing I can do to get her to sleep prior to this – tried all kinds of AP
She is in daycare Mon thru Fri and is very active there. On weekends her naps for me are always short (45 minutes most of the times and sometimes a max of 1 hour 10 minutes) – perhaps because she is not as active as she would be at daycare?? Laura is teething – 2 molars coming in plus 2 canines. We are managing this right now – some days better than others. I imagine the night problem would be solved with less daytime sleep but I am not sure how to accomplish that. Daycare is willing to take my instructions on her sleep routine however I cannot change the instructions on them every other day. If I provide them with a schedule, they will do their best to adhere to it.
Thank you sooooo much in advance!