Caleb used to eat chicken ALL the time, he loved it! it didnt matter how big the peice was he would eat it, now it has to be about as small as a pea or he spits it out, same with mince. however when I cook fish he eats that no matter what the size and from what i can tell the fish i cook is nearly the same texture as the chicken (the way i cook it)
I made him chicken and sweetcorn soup for dinner last night and he loved it but kept spitting hte chicken out, i made the chicken smaller and smaller until he would eat it and i swear he didnt eat it he just swallowed it whole! this has been happeneing for a few months but he loved chicken and mince before this. i dont *think* it has anything to do with teething because this has gone on as well in between teeth.
im finding it harder and harder to get protein into him