My lo is 14 months old and from about 6 - 12 months we had a lot of difficulty (on and off) trying to feed him. We finally figured out that certain foods were bothering his tummy and now that we're avoiding them he can handle a decent sized meal. He was underweight for a while and is finally gaining again (85th percentile, down to 20th, back up to 25-30th now). The problem is that we've gotten into the bad habit of distracting him when he's eating, and give him toys to play with at meal time, and now he's not very interested in feeding himself. He fusses unless he has something interesting to focus on.
He will feed himself pears, blueberries and cheerios no problem, but anything else he just plays with or takes one bite and throws on the floor. I've been trying to make his purees more chunky and want him to get away from purees altogether, but he won't eat nearly as much if it's not smooth. I recently tricked him into eating scrambled eggs by mashing them up with some avocado, but he won't touch them on their own!
I don't want to reduce the calories he's taking in, but at the same time I want to encourage him to eat "real" food and feed himself. Is it too early to push this? I have baby #2 on the way any day so the time I have to dedicate to feeding the older one is going to be limited soon!
Any suggestions?