My LO is 10.5 months old. he was generally a good sleeper. never had an issue putting him down, never used a prop, he would just dose off by himself alone in the room and he was STTNing from 4 months old. Apart from EW we had no issues most of the time. Over the past week things have changed. Recently he was a bit unwell (we comforted him a bit more than usual) and i think separation anxiety might have kicked in as well.....
He is now refusing to go to sleep without one of us by his side and he wakes up at least once a night if not twice crying for us to come in. He doesn't even want to be picked him up. he just wants a hand on his back. after he settles he is o.k with us just standing next to his cot and then when he feels like he is dosing off again he guides our hand back to his back for a last comfort. all of this is fine however he just lays there with eyes open for an hour or more before he doses off again. last night i was by his side from 3:00AM to 4:30. he didn't cry as long as i was standing next to cot but the second i started heading out he started crying . He hasn't done a mantra cry for months now and when he cries i am pretty sure it's without tears, its just this angry(?) - why are you not here next to me cry.
what should i be doing? should i just stand there? should i go in and out? how should i deal with this? i don;t want to not be there for him, but something doesn't sound right to me if i am standing there for an hour and a half in the early hours of the morning.
His EASY over the past two days (can't do anything for first half of day - in child care) was:
6:30 Wake
9:45 Nap
10:30 Wake
13:40 Nap
15:40 Wake
19:00 Night sleep.
SO my first questions is it his Easy?
but mostly i want to know: how do i know i am not rushing in and how do i act once i am already in?
Thanks a lot.