Author Topic: Spitting milk from sippy cup  (Read 4698 times)

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Spitting milk from sippy cup
« on: July 15, 2010, 20:05:09 pm »
DS is 12 mo and has been using a sippy cup for months now.  He has been weaned off BF.  He isn't a big milk drinker so I have been supplementing with other forms of dairy.  He won't take a morning and evening "bottle".  He just sips his milk with meals.  But the problem is that sometimes he will take big gulps and let it all dribble out of his mouth.  I think he is doing this for fun.  We tell him "no" and take his sippy away, but later we offer it to him again, and the spitting starts again.  This seems to happen with both formula and homo milk. 

Has anyone else experienced this?  It's more annoying than anything else.  Is it just a phase that will pass?

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Re: Spitting milk from sippy cup
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2010, 20:14:00 pm »

DS went from boob only to bottle only, he will not drink milk from a sippy and if he takes a chug thinking it is water, he lets it dribble out of his mouth like it were poison. Which is weird because he looooooves milk from a bottle. I really don't understnad it. Oh well

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Re: Spitting milk from sippy cup
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2010, 11:43:14 am »

DS went from boob only to bottle only, he will not drink milk from a sippy and if he takes a chug thinking it is water, he lets it dribble out of his mouth like it were poison. Which is weird because he looooooves milk from a bottle. I really don't understnad it. Oh well


But to the OP, I'd keep trying other types of cups. Have you tried straws instead of sippies, etc? And in the meantime, work on getting yogurt and cheese in him?
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Spitting milk from sippy cup
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2010, 11:53:23 am »
DS has JUST started doing the exact same thing but with water from his sippy, he drinks what he wants then the next few mouthfuls just come straight back out. he thinks its hilarious! - he had a soaking wet t-shirt on yesterday afternoon!!!
Catherine x

Offline LizzieN

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Re: Spitting milk from sippy cup
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2010, 11:53:49 am »
Hey ladies,
my DS would sip the milk from his sippy and either let it dribble out or spit it out and scream, often throwing the sippy across the room....and he LOVES milk, it was in the WRONG drinking vessel in his opinion!!

So fast forward many many months and I kept giving him milk in cups and stuff, always rejected, then one day I gave him a cup of milk and a spoon and voila no more bottles, no screaming, all fixed!!

Give your LOs time sweetie, it will happen

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Offline ireneee

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Re: Spitting milk from sippy cup
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2010, 21:22:21 pm »
I think that if they are used to drinking water from a sippy cup, then they get milk in it, they don't like it. DD was like this. So I had to buy a completely new cup for her milk and used it only for milk. I ended up with the doidy cup. And she is fine drinking milk from that. And now, she is also fine with drinking milk from her sippy cup (I have no idea why this has changed!).

And as for spitting it out, I think they just do it for fun. She will take a mouthful of whatever she is drinking and look at me and just open her mouth and let it all dribble out. But she has done this with some foods (jelly!) too so I think it's partly for fun and partly when she's full and just wants to play. We just tell her that it's for drinking and take it away if she is full.

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Re: Spitting milk from sippy cup
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2010, 23:43:30 pm »
I had some success today with a different sippy cup.  We were using the Nuby sippy and today we tried the Nuk one.  It has a different kid of spout on it and requires him to suck more.  No spitting today!  And he seemed to drink more today too, but maybe he just happened to be more thirsty today.  Still not drinking enough milk though.  I give him extra yogurt, but he doesn't like cheese!  I thought all kids like cheese!??

Offline LizzieN

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Re: Spitting milk from sippy cup
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2010, 00:10:11 am »
Nope my step daughter wouldn't even TRY cheese until she was 6 yo....loves it now though, thank goodness xx  Does your LO like custard?  I find that's an excellent way to give a dairy snack, banana custard works a treat xx

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