I have not posted here in ages and ages! That little toddler in my profile picture is almost 5 now ... and a big brother. Time flies!
Anyway baby Peter is just 11 months. In the past week, right in line with his 11 month birthday, he's started to fight sleep at bed time, and to fight his afternoon nap.
His day looks like this:
6 - wake
Bottle #1 6 oz
7:30/45 breakfast, table food with family
8:30/9 - 10:30/11 nap #1
Bottle #2 6 oz
12 - lunch, table food with brother
1:30 or 2 starts acting tired but fights sleep until around 2:30. This nap will either be short (45 mins or so) or pushed so late into the day (waking close to 4pm) that it messes up bed time
Bottle #3 3 oz or so
5:30 dinner, table food with family
6:45/7/7:30 bedtime routine, bath, books, bottle, sleep...
He's been fighting bed time though, where I have had to be firm with PD sometimes for 30 minutes, and sometimes have had to just hold him for a long time to get him to settle. He just sits in his bed throwing a fit (a frustrated cry) and I can tell he's just not tired, but he's downright hyper (overtired?) in the bath.
Could we be in need of beginning the 2-1 transition? I think that he could handle his morning nap being pushed a little.
Thoughts appreciated! I'd love to have this all sorted out before pre school starts for big brother in September because I'll have to take him at 9 ... and baby will just fall asleep in the car!! Wishful thinking??
Thanks all!