Looks like we were posting at the same time.

I think Sophie is at the age now that she just crashes when tired. When not tired she fights b/c her body isn't tired enough for a nap (bt) so she has energy to put up a fight.
I could be wrong but I DONT think a hour and 15 min nap is OT from too much A. I think she could use a bit more and that *might* give you a longer more restorative nap. Same with the fighting at bedtime, I think she's UT tbh. I've found the more I push Anna's nap out (but not to the point she's exhausted) the longer nap I get.
This is also the age where you have to take into consideration what activities she's doing and figure that into her nap/bt. This is the age (for Anna-Li) it became much less about exact A time minuets and much more about reading cues and looking at the activities we've just done. Running at the park all morning will wear her out MUCH more than playing inside the house.
This is also the age where she did NOT fight naps/bt b/c of OT. OT became evident now in EW'ings (less hours than she normally sleeps), fussiness, NW'ings....
Yes reading Sophie's cues is a hard thing b/c she's so sensitive. It was very difficult to *figure* anna out. Sensitive lo's fuss a lot more and its difficult to figure out what they want. BUT good news, when these lo's get older they start asking for naps (once they can communicate properly). I always give Anna the choice after lunch to play for a few minuets or for 'nappy down time' and she always chooses nap time. As Sophie gets older she'll become more communicative and will be able to tell you when she's tired. Until then I'd REALLY work to tune into her. Yes these lo's fuss about everything: bored, hot, cold, hungry, thirsty, need a new activity, need another new activity, need to run, need a snack, need ANOTHER new activity.... exc............ LOL!! These lo's tend to get VERY bored VERY fast!!! You just gotta keep her changing things CONSTANTLY and I bet you she'll push her day out in NO time!!!!
Here's what Anna-Li did before nap time today.
wake up/ milk time while I feed baby
play with the baby
play with her kitchen
play with stickers
color with markers
play with stamps
play with puzzles
play again with the baby
try on mommy's clothes from the dirty clothes basket
play with bubbles in the kitchen
play outside in the sprinklers (baby went down for a nap)
dig in dirt outside
play with toy lawn mower
play on swing set
Eat a snack
back in side to play in her bedroom with her little people
play with legos
watch a 30 min baby learning dvd
play with her baby doll
eat lunch
then................... asked for her nap (thank God, mommy was exhausted!!! LOL)
To me this was a time (sophie's age) where I really had to make the disconnect from Anna-Li the baby and Anna-Li the growing toddler. I put all her baby toys up to save for the next baby (now she's seeing them again as Jace plays with them) and got her some more age appropriate stuff. Lots of imaginative playing toys (play kitchen, baby dolls exc...) then I played with her a lot and kinda 'taught' her how to imaginatively play. Then after a while she caught on and start doing it by herself. melissa and doug make great chunky puzzles that she can start using (2-4 pieces), just squishing play-doh at this age is fun. Going outside early before it gets too hot (i know eczema) and letting her play with rocks, leaves, flowers exc....... Going to the pet store to look at the fish, cats, dogs, rabbits exc..... playing in water outside, going to the park early in the morn
She will get less bored and be able to entertain herself better and stay awake (happily) longer if doing what she's craving to learn.