Hi Shiv,
I spent an hr reading a few threads in this group yesterday. Seems that you are quite the guru on eating here!!
He drinks powdered cows milk in a sippy but the lies down while drinking it. I am from Asia and fresh cows milk is quite expensive here so most people give kids formula/powdered milk. I dilute it by half of the recommended concentration because he drinks so much. Also today was the first day of another brand with less fat in it.
Morning when wake up- 1 sippy cup about 6-7oz (sometimes he doesn't finish)
Naptime - 1-2 sippy cups about 6-12 oz
Bedtime - 2-3 sippys about 12-15oz (2nd and 3rd I just give him half full)
It's a LOT ya? but again diluted to half strength.
Anyway since last night, food strike seems to be over, fingers crossed. Last night's dinner he ate about 10 spoons of rice and clear soup and today's lunch a small bowl of noodles and a few spoons of his usual pumpkin soup, a yoghurt and a few grapes. Dinner today we ate out japanese food and he ate 3 helpings (very small ones) of ramen noodles. When we were ordering he told me that he wanted noodles. He has never asked for food before. And also at naptime only 1 sippy of milk and now bedtime (he just fell asleep) only 1 sippy. I think the eating is helping!!
He eats just these things:
Plain rice with clear soup spooned over it
Plain noodles in soup (I vary the type of noodles and he is ok with it)
Pumpkin soup
Dry cereal (he likes the sweeter types

eg coco balls,)
Grated chedder cheese
Junk food like french fries, crisps, peanuts, ice cream, chocolate he can eat a lot of
Even though they are all the few things that he ate before i can't complain. As long as it is not unhealthy. It's mostly carbs, he doens't get much protein except for the chicken blended in his pumpkin soup and from the cheese.
So it's not a texture thing cos he loves junk food! He is 26 months and his speech development is normal. He can speak in sentences now of about 6-7 words.
Should I just keep giving him what he will eat? I was doing that before as it was easy and it wasn't unhealthy. Actually I am not too concerned as his meal is quite balanced, carbs from rice or noodles, veg from pumpkin soup (I also blend some brocolli and potato in) and protein from chicken and cheese. He used to that EVERY meal.
If we go out I either feed him at home first or try to find someplace with rice or noodles (we are in Asia it's easy) or buy some french fries! He eats better at home than outside isn't that strange? And even in nursery he doensn't eat unless it's biscuits. Really a spirited one this fella! He hasn't eaten anything new since forever!