hi all..
My DS is 6.5 months, but we have solids firmly established (started at 5 months) and he is working on dropping the CN. I had been posting on the 4-6 month board but not really at that stage anymore.
Im wondering how much solid I should offer. I feed solid about 1.15H after bottle feed - and he eats about 3 tbsps of fruit/veg - (about 2 tbsp veg 1 fruit)then at the next bottle feed he hasnt been finishing the bottle.. (drinks ~6 0z) starting in the AM - I am concerned that maybe solids interfereing with bottle and maybe I should offer less? I let him eat what he wants, sometimes he easts all and Ill give another tsp, other times he stops openign his mouth so we are finished.
I also let him have a sippy with water at solids, but he doesnt really drink much, lots just come out onto the bib - he might get less than 1/2 oz water at most
wake /eat 0645
solid 0800
sleep 0915
E 11:00
solid 1215
sleep 1330
E 1500
solid 1630
CN (sometimes) at 1730 for 10 min
Bottle/bed at 18:30
DF at 22:30
This is all give or take 15 mins