Well, the good thing is you already have a schedule, so you have a starting point. You also need to work on extending his a-time (by 15 minute increments) and extending his naps (by extending his a-time, and if he needs more help than just that, you'll have to use W2S, HTTJ, sh/pat and PU/PD, or more likely a combination of all of them)
Day 1-3 - observe
day 4-7: feed at 7 when he wakes up, extend morning activity by 15 minutes so that everything will be 15 minutes later that day: second feed is 9:30, and third is 11:45, etc.
days 8-11: extend morning time by another 15 minutes. Now his former 915 feed will be at 945. She says "you will also need to eliminate his late afternoon CN for a few days in order to extend the other three naps - apprx 1.5 and 1.75 in the morning, and two hours in the afternoon. When you cut out the CN your child may be very tired in the afternoon. If so, you might need to put him to bed at 6:30 instead of 7:30" (p.229)
Days 12-15: extend the first a-time by a half an hour. Now his former 915 feed will be at 10:15. "continue to avoid the CN to allow his other naps to lengthen, appx to 2 and 1.5 hours in the morning and 1.5 hours in the afternoon.. These will be the hardest days but stay with it"
Since this is going off a 3 hour easy and your LO is eating every 2.5 hours, you might need to continue to extend a little further until you get to 4 hours. Just do it in small increments. HTH... let me know if you have questions and I'll try to help...