Author Topic: 12 Month old - Refusal to sleep, period!!! HELP!!  (Read 1877 times)

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Re: 12 Month old - Refusal to sleep, period!!! HELP!!
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2010, 05:06:50 am »
This night waking stuff is turning into something a little worrying. She went to bed tonight at 7:30 (refused second nap so earlier bed time) and she just woke at 10:45 screaming in terror. When I picked her up her whole body was shaking like she was genuinely frightened. She immediately calmed when I picked her up so it wasn't a night terror, because as I understand it the child can't be calmed during a true night terror, but she was really afraid.

After I held her for a minute she went back to sleep, but I am getting worried about what is going on with her.
Brittany, Kaylee 7/22/09, ^Cadence^ 8/3/11 (stillborn with T21 at 34.5 weeks), Alexis & Courtney 8/28/12 - Read about our little family at