This is just horrendous. I am starting to think it MUST be teeth, I dont know what else it could be. He wont let me look in his mouth though.
Yesterday he had a 2.5 hour nap, bed for 7 asleep by 7.15. Awesome! He woke at 11 and I went in and just told him to go to sleep which he did. He was then awake ALOT between 2 and the morning. Stop start crying alot of the time so I'd get up to him and he'd stop, alot of the time I didn't even make it to his door. I'm not sure about what to do in that situation, its almost like a mantra the way it stops and starts but the actual cry is awful. It really must be pain, I cant think that anything else would make him this upset.
I am so tired and apprehensive i just dont know what to do. I'll use ALL your wonderful suggestion, thanks for listening and chiming in with your ideas I really appreciate it.