Author Topic: Toddler Throwing Food  (Read 1971 times)

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Toddler Throwing Food
« on: August 02, 2010, 01:10:38 am »
My DS is 2 years old and when he's done eating, he starts throwing food off his tray.  Any thoughts on how to curb this behaviour?

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Re: Toddler Throwing Food
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2010, 01:17:38 am »
I would like some tips on this too as DS1 (almost 2yrs as well) is also really bad with food throwing these days.  Although not just when he's done, he will do it if he doesn't want what's in front of him.  And not just food either, cups, cutlery, dishes.  He thinks it's funny.  Very frustrating.
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Re: Toddler Throwing Food
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2010, 02:17:41 am »
My advice- Give him the least amount of attention possible.  Just tell him that it is not okay to throw food (cups, etc) and then tell him he is all done eating and get him down from the table.  If it is a family meal and others are still eating (or you just want him to remain at the table) then tell him he is done eating and remove the food.  The hardest part is sticking with it and not giving in when they throw food after a single bite and so mealtime is done and you know they are still hungry.  They will probably throw a huge fit because they want to eat (or they want to play with their food) and the idea that you are inforcing rules at mealtime is new but they will get over it.  And it may take a couple of times/meals before they realize that you really mean it but they will get it.  But again consistancy is really important- if you give in at a meal (like giving him tons of warnings or letting him try mealtime again when he begs) then you have to start the whole process over again.  Trust me I have been there with my 2yo- because I am preggy I have given in to her lately and she has taken advantage of it and now I am paying the price.  And don't be surprised if they seem to get it for a while and then the same problem crops back up- that is normal.

HTH  :)

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Re: Toddler Throwing Food
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2010, 02:24:50 am »
I might try giving him less at a if he's having a sandwhich, I might give him just 2 or 3 chunks, and then more when he is done with those. That way when he is "done" for good, there isn't anything to throw!  I think in your case, he may just be trying to tell you that he's he verbal?  I might just say "Oh? Youre done? Say "all done"!"  or sign it if he isn't verbal yet...repetition is key. My dd did this when a bit younger, but it was a game for her, an experiment in gravity I think!  I'd say "All done!" and remind her that we throw balls...not breakfast!  It was pretty short-lived.   ;)