Author Topic: Trying to juggle routine and solids  (Read 3678 times)

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Re: Trying to juggle routine and solids
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2010, 14:31:14 pm »
It will get easier!!

I think what's making it so hard for you right now is you're not BFding right upon waking.  I know how frustrating it is to try to get the EASY right and naps don't always end when you want them to.  :P  We have that problem too already!

I have read somewhere (but can't remember where) that you don't want solids right after BFding because it can interefere with the digestion of the breastmilk?  But TBH, I don't know how true that is, and I know some moms have no problems doing it right after.  I always tried to wait at least 20-30mins.  Understandably that's not always possible.  I think you would use your judgment on this one, if it seems like it works well for you that way then I don't see a problem doing the solids after the BF if she is still hungry for them until you can iron out those A times a bit.  :)

What does your EASY look like?  Another thought is to look at your EASY and see if there are any tweaks you can make it more EASY as opposed to EASAE, kwim?  It's so hard to get LO's to cooperate but you would want to aim for, for example:
E - BF 7am
A - solids 8am
S - 9-11
E - BF 11am
A -  solids 12pm
S - 1-3
E - BF 3pm
A - solids 4:30/5
S - catnap 5:30-6
A -
E - BF before bed
S - 7pm

This is what we aimed for to start, and then things obviously had to be moved around or shifted to make it work as he got older, but it gave me somewhere to start, kwim?

I know you're still working on extending those A times and feed times, hopefully this will give you an idea of the direction you're heading.  :)

You could post on the EASY board as well to get some advice on how to move towards a proper 4hr EASY as that is what she should be on by now and I think if you were able to get there you'll find fitting the solids in will be come easier.  HTH :)
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Re: Trying to juggle routine and solids
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2010, 18:59:51 pm »
Thanks Martina,

I agree that not feeding on waking is the reason I'm having probs. I did manage it this morning at 6.30am and then she wanted to nap within less than 1hr 30 mins. She then woke after 45 mins!!

It all got confused with me trying to extend eating and then she was BF'ing just before her naps. It would have the EASY day you outlined. Hopefully I will get nearer once she can easily keep her eyes open longer than 1 hr 40 mins.

I will write up tomorrow's EAY to see if any tweaks could be made. Will keep trying to feed her on waking!



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Re: Trying to juggle routine and solids
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2010, 19:15:32 pm »
It is tricky, isn't it?  I mean, if you stick to EAS and they short nap, then you're messing with the BFding times which in itself messes up the routine.  But if you stick to the 4hrly feeds and they're not napping appropriately, then essentially you're not doing EAS.  It's very rarely perfect so sometimes you have to be creative.  ;)  We'll keep helping you try to sort it out.  IMO, it's more of an EASY issue than a solids issue - if you can get on a good EASY then the solids will kinda slide into place.  :)
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Re: Trying to juggle routine and solids
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2010, 19:36:14 pm »

I second trying to feed on waking if possible.  How old is your LO? The A time you mentioned was less than 2 hours - it would be hard to fit everything in there - I struggle with 3 hours! I am finding that we are more on a 4.5 hour EASY now with 3hr A time and a 1.5hr S time.

Of course saying that we had 2 x 45min naps today! Arghhh  ::) Second again it is rarely perfect!


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Re: Trying to juggle routine and solids
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2010, 19:55:59 pm »
bumblemum-how ya been?
I see you are getting good advice here, but I know we have been chatting a bit about it on the 4-6mo BC as well...come visit us :)

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Re: Trying to juggle routine and solids
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2010, 20:36:50 pm »
Hey Martina - yes it's not really a solids issue is it. I think that trying to fit them in has just highlighted how we're not on 4 hr EASY. As ever I'm sure it will improve!
Hi Buntybear - My lo is 6 months old now and her A times seem really short. In the morning sometimes she'll wake at 6am then want to go back to sleep in an hour!! I really can't distract her from it. Normally the A times are 1hr 40 mins. 2 hrs if I can do some top class distraction! I've got to stop aiming for perfection!!
Hiya Sarah - Nice to hear from you. Your lo's picture is v. v. cute! Where are you chatting?


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Re: Trying to juggle routine and solids
« Reply #22 on: August 09, 2010, 20:59:09 pm »

Well Olly went from 2hr to 3hr A time in a matter of a week or so! I found it really hard to keep up and it really messed us around last week! Maybe your LO will make that jump too?

I might pop over to that 4-6 month post too  ;D though we will out grow it next week!

Good Luck xx

Offline ~inbalance~

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Re: Trying to juggle routine and solids
« Reply #23 on: August 09, 2010, 21:05:11 pm »
Buntybear - there is a 7-9mo birth club as well.  Do come over and join us ladies (I moderate over there as well.  ;)

bumblemum, I think you're headed in the right direction.  Like I mentioned before, a visit and maybe a post over in the EASY forum as well could help you sort it out.  :)
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