Hi there! It does take a bit of practice to figure out how to work solids into your EASY, but you will find out what works for you through a lot of trial and error. Some things to keep in mind that may help are to think of the milk feeds as the E part of your EASY, and the solids as part of the A. Sounds like you are already heading in that direction! Also keep in mind that solids are for fun, and there are no hard and fast rules, so fit them in when you can but don't stress too much about it. Liquids are still the priority. So with that in mind, I would say feed her as much solids as she likes so long as it doesn't cause her to decrease her liquid intake. If you find she is taking less milk but more solids, then go easy on the solids so she's getting adequate milk.
This link might be helpful in figuring out how to work solids in.
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=68458.0Also, as you smooth out your EASY and increase A times at bit I'm sure you will find the solids fit in a little easier. It might be rocky until then, which is why I would suggest continuing to focus on milk feeds and experimenting with the solids when you can but not stressing about it.
Don't worry, you will be able to get out again! Focus on one thing at a time, if you like her to take good naps at home then you will have to sacrifice a few outings for awhile, but it will be worth it. And when the time comes it isn't too difficult to give solids when you are out and about. One tip some moms might suggest is to get your baby accustomed to eating some of her solids cold so she doesn't always expect them warm. That way if you're out you don't have to go through all the trouble to find somewhere to heat it up!