Homemade pizza, top it the way you like it! You can make it cheeseless; one of my faves is pesto pizza - YUM! Top different sections or make personal pan pizzas!
Clock pot/slow cooker meals can be soups or stews or roasts: add stuff you all eat plus others just for each family member, so those who gag on potatoes can have carrots or meat or mushrooms or green beans instead.
Lots of pureed foods can be mixed into yogurt, and they don't all have to be sweet; carrots, sweet potatoes, and winter squash all taste great sweetened with a bit of maple syrup for a yummy dessert (which also makes a good popsicle!

, but they can just as easily be flavored with some garlic or curry power, just a touch, for a more savory dish, and cucumber-yogurt sauce is a common condiment in Greek foods. In Persian cooking, plain yogurt is dolloped over bread and meat as a condiment too.
We do have a "please try one bite and if you don't like it we won't make you eat more" rule, and DH and I follow it too and make sure the kids see us do it. (We do sometimes stack the deck in our favor, to be honest, but the example was important in getting that started with the girls.)
Oh, forgot to mention, one key to getting them to try the stuff was having them help prepare it. Kids can spread or cut soft things with a plastic butter knife, or stir with a fork, and taste the result or even the ingredients that go into something: "Here, let's taste a tiny piece of this carrot to make sure it'll be OK," or "Look, the salad dressing is done, let's dip a slice of cucumber into it and see how it tastes."