Author Topic: How to enrich what DS eats without a power struggle?  (Read 1468 times)

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How to enrich what DS eats without a power struggle?
« on: August 02, 2010, 15:55:20 pm »
DS loves all things fruit, bread, and yogurt.  He will eat some meat, but it can be hit or miss.  He doesn't really eat veggies unless they're hidden very well.

The problem that I'm running into lately is with getting him to eat what we eat at mealtimes.  If he doesn't want it, he's started throwing it onto the floor and throwing a tantrum.  It's not that he's not hungry, he just wants something else.  I don't want to get into the habit (any more than we already are) of giving him the same ol' fall-backs of breads, fruits, and yogurt.  But then, if he doesn't eat SOMETHING, then he gets hungry and, at naptime, will wake up early bc of hunger.  I also worry then that since he's not eating due to taste and not lack of hunger, that he's not getting enough food all day.

Is this something that I should just go with the flow with for now?  Or what?  I can't afford to make two separate meals all the time, even if he does have simple tastes.  It's frustrating.  And I guess this is both a behavioral and a feeding issue.  Ugh, I wish he would just eat the carrots and potatoes that he USED to love when he was younger (and that he still wolfs down if he's eating a French fry) ::)
*formerly tersaseda*


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Re: How to enrich what DS eats without a power struggle?
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2010, 16:08:28 pm »
So, and update from lunch: he had one bite of carrot and one bite of parsnips.  He didn't spit them out (which means they weren't horrible for him).  But then when I tried to get him to eat more, he started crying and throwing the food onto the floor.  So now, because I don't want to deal with a short nap today, I have to get him to eat something.  Back we go to yogurt and a grilled cheese.  I hate this :'(  I'm sorry, I'm having a very touchy/emotional day.
*formerly tersaseda*


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Re: How to enrich what DS eats without a power struggle?
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2010, 16:16:05 pm »
Sara, big hugs. My DS is similar to yours. What I do is I try to keep introducing new foods while also keeping something on the plate/tray that I know he'll eat. AND I add veggies, etc into foods a la sneaky chef style. So I make zucchini bread for snack, add sweet potato and carrot puree to chicken fingers, grated veggies to breakfast pancakes, etc. He sometimes does well with lasagna so I make one full of veggies (grated carrots and zucchini as well as sliced mushrooms and chopped spinach).

Also, he eats better sometimes on the run - so sometimes to get him used to something new, like the zucchini bread, I offer it during walks in the stroller. Often then it's more acceptable to him later on in his high chair.

I'm also trying to get better about putting together a meal plan for him and sticking with it. And if he doesn't eat, fine. Then I put it away and try again later or at his next meal or snack time. So for lunch today I'm offering him scrambled egg with spinach and cheese (he sometimes will eat), applesauce (he always eats) and banana bread (he's never had before).

Lastly, sometimes DS will allow me to feed him something I prefer while he feeds himself something he prefers. So he can feed himself say fruit while I feed him egg, etc. Although this sometimes backfires as he'll shovel the fruit in as fast as he can while blocking my hand with the fork/spoon!

Curious to see what others say as well.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: How to enrich what DS eats without a power struggle?
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2010, 17:31:18 pm »
I have had the issue of my LO not wanting to eat what we are having for dinner also.  I use the advice I've read on other posts that you should always offer something that they have previously liked and eaten.  So say we are having salad for dinner then I will be sure to include something in it that DD likes and also offer a roll on the side since I know she'll eat it.  And to be honest, I will sometimes not bring the roll forward until she has at least examined and "licked" things she won't try.  Yes, we are big on "licking" here.  Sounds weird but my DD is great at at least licking foods she doesn't want to eat and it has proven to be useful.  Sometimes if the bread (or fruit etc.) looks different then she automatically doesn't want it until she licks it and finds out what it is. :)
My LO will often want yogurt or pudding after dinner.  So we always make sure she tries each of her foods before she can have some, a kind of try it and if you don't like it then you don't have to eat it.  However, if it is something we know she likes, there is a required 2 bites before yogurt.  My LO is a very skimpy eater but she's never woken up because of hunger.
I hope you get some suggestions that will help.  I've learned a lot of tricks from reading others posts.
Good luck.
DD1 (1/09)
DD2 (10/11)
DD3 (3/15)

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Re: How to enrich what DS eats without a power struggle?
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2010, 18:50:39 pm »
Oh and if yogurt is always a hit, what about adding veg puree to it? I often add pear/spinach/peas or pear/broccoli/peas puree to DS' plain or vanilla yogurt.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: How to enrich what DS eats without a power struggle?
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2010, 20:24:59 pm »
Just got a moment to pop on before heading over the in-law's for the evening...thank you for the advice!  I'll come back tonight an process it some more.  It's just been one of those days, iykwim.

Oh, and Karen...DS LOVES the yogurt we give him.  It's called Little Blends.  Comes in 3 flavors: apple/butternut squash, strawberry/carrot, and banana/sweet potato.  LOL, if it weren't for those, he wouldn't have any veggies at all.  I like your combos, too, because we often have those things left over and it would be a GREAT way to use them up.

We'll see how dinner goes tonight.  MIL is fixing a roast and veggies.
*formerly tersaseda*