Author Topic: my active LO does not sit down  (Read 993 times)

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my active LO does not sit down
« on: August 02, 2010, 18:57:17 pm »
i have been started eat trainee at dinner time and at weekends (i work the other times). i told to our caregiver that she ended entertaintment during the meal time (camcorder, toys).

my lo toooooooo active, does not stop even a sec. so when he trows meal or says no, i know i have to stop meal. when i do that he accepts as a reward. he does not care even if he is starwing. does not interested in eat. (but if you entertain him, he can eat as a pig) i can understand this because he is too active. but when he sleeps hungry he gets up at 5 oclock and cries. our day routine is ruined. i give milk when he gets up early and before he goes to bed. i dont know what to do. how can i keep him at the table and provide him independent feed?

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Re: my active LO does not sit down
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2010, 19:05:04 pm »
Have you offered him things like baby safe forks, spoons or cups instead of toys? My DS will often "play" with a cup or fork and try to use it but let me feed him same time. And I usually do one meal a day (99% of the time breakfast) "on the go" - so he'll sit with DD and I at our breakfast time but all he'll usually eat then is fruit (he'd feed himself strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe or grapes till the cows come home). Then a bit later in the stroller or car or shopping car he usually will take a piece of raisin toast or french toast and eat that. Does your DS have favorite foods?
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

Offline banu

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Re: my active LO does not sit down
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2010, 19:16:04 pm »
his favorite food is pasta and meat. i also gave him safe fork but they are not very useful. i give our spoons and forks instead. he does not play with them. he stands up on his chair -i make him sit- and wants some food from the table, i give him what he wants, he tries once and lost his interest, and wants to climb down.