Hi Hon- yeah- It does sound like your wind down may be needs some help? What personality type is your LO- spirited, touchy, grumpy, textbook, angel?
My spirited LO needed a LONG wind down, starting right after supper. At that age, after he ate supper and was BF, we went upstairs for a bath, then reading books in the rocker with lovey, said prayers, and sang our night night song. It is still the same at 3 yo! He really benefits from the same night time routine each and every night. Helps when we travel too!
So, our wind down would start at 6:30 PM with the bath, and then end close to 7:30PM. REally relaxed and leisurely. Would your LO benefit from white noise? bedtime massage with lavender lotion? Does he have a lovie?
I really feel for you, even with my consistent wind down, schedule, and PU/PD, Nick didn't sleep through the night till 14 mos. I can tell you now that you will get through this, it will get easier! It is NOT easy and I give you credit for sticking with it!
It's really difficult with him because he fusses and cries and literally claws his way out of my arms
To me, it sounds as thought your LO is either uncomfortable (? ears) or undertired/overtired?
I am glad you are getting his ears checked again, that was at the crux of many of our hard nights.
in the past he has had ear infections which I was going into the doctor weekly to make sure they cleared up and if not, more antibiotics. Those cleared up but his sleep never improved and it's still been about the same. This was about a month and a half ago. As far as teething, he has 6 teeth, in which all have broken through and I've looked in his mouth and don't see anything that may be coming in.
If either of these become a possibility, how do I work with it while sleep training? I just booked an appointment to have him checked out again
You can't sleep train if a child is hurting. You have to comfort that LO the best you can. You have to remove the source of pain, then start fresh. If it is an ear infection/teething, you may see improvement with a dose of tylenol as per MD recs.
Hugs and strength for one more day!