You are a great mother and let me tell you Caleb is going to come out of this. It will just take some patience... NO A LOT of patience. Remember this little guy is in pain.
And he just needs your love and comfort. I always try to ramp up the loving and cuddles during A time when lo's are teething... they need it.
Your question about enforcing the nap when he just won't do it.... he eventually will! I promise you. It might take a couple days but he WILL start doing it. When he knows mommy says 'nap time' mommy means nap time he'll do it. Just have a few chats with him about it. I know this seems silly at his age (Anna would often act like she wasn't listening exc........) but they do understand and comprehend. Just tell him that every day Caleb gets to take his nap so he can rest up for more play later in the day.. Maybe give the incentive of a favorite snack once we take a nap. Tell him everyone takes naps, his teddy bear needs to take a nap so he can have more energy to play later.... exc........... Just let him know its not negotiable and he's not coming out until he naps. It will be a few rough days but it will get back on track. Now I agree about making allowances during illness/teething.... But people who do not have a spirited child don't understand if you can't apop them there is NO WAY to get these lo's to sleep. Anna also will NOT be rocked down exc... Baby lo is not spirited and I am able to do a bit of GW with him if he needs it, there's no way EVER I can do that with Anna... just different personalities. If you have NO way to apop him and he's getting exhausted then it sounds to me like you have NO other choice but to help him with wi/wo to get him OVER the exhaustion. What I do with Anna is she ALWYAS takes a crib nap, she knows it and dives in her bed after lunch every day.. no matter how she's feeling. But if she's getting really tired and its not near bt, I do a car nap to catch her up a bit until we can make a decent bt. Now during the time I was having to teach her we have a nap/bt and its non-negotiable she did get very OT and we did a lot of early bt's as I couldn't apop as much with a newborn. Now with this canine, she ALWAYS dives right into her bed for nap/bt. And if I have to apop a extra cat nap in the car I do that. But let me tell you this is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than the 1st one (before I set clear boundaries for her). Its a act of love and comfort for them to have boundaries. Its loving and security. Wendy taught me that. (thanks Wendy)
I believe wi/wo is loving and comforting as well. Anna is like Caleb and VERY spirited. ANY form of GW makes her infuriated!! She goes bonkers and works herself into such a frenzy its scary!!! When I do it and DH is home we always go it together!! ALWAYS!! I need that support b/c its so tough. But it is loving. I NEVER EVER allow CIO. I believe caring for them and giving them everything they need while checking up on them is the BEST way that works for Anna. When she's in pain I give motrin and rub vanilla on her gums before bed (motrin 45 min's before so she's relaxed before sleep time). I give numerous warnings of sleep times ( During these rough periods I can't really rely on A times as they are ALL OVER THE PLACE during illness/teething). We CAN'T prevent our kids from ever crying, that's just impossible. But we can be there to reassure them when they need it. They will be sad sometimes and in pain, but we will be there to reassure them that its okay and they are loved exc.........
I enforce my 1 nap and bt rule b/c Anna needs this structure and routine. She NEEDS to know we do the same thing every day, she takes comfort in routine and structure. She's a totally different child now that she KNOWS she goes down for a nap and bt every day REGARDLESS of anything! It ALWAYS happens PERIOD and now she just dives in no matter how OT, or teething exc.........
I established this 'rule' at 18 months b/c we were going through the chaos you are currently in. Part of what makes them so anxious is they don't 'know' beyond a shadow of a doubt what's going to happen and they are experiencing SA from the teething..... its a rough time. We would talk about it a lot, play it out with a baby doll (you could use a teddy bear) and then I just held the fort until she knew the 'rule'. I was always loving and kind during the process of her understanding it. But that doesn't mean I ever caved.... EVER.
We played it out by her putting a diaper on her baby doll, giving her a sippy (pretending to be warm milk) and tucking her in a bed (a shoe box bed I made), telling her night night and covering with a blanket then leaving the doll to go upstairs to do the EXACT routine herself... This seemed to help her once she knew she was doing it next.
DH sits at the bottom of the stairs during wi/wo (or I do, whom ever isn't doing it) for encouragement. Then I walk in and tell her 'its night night time sweetie, mommy see you in the morning, love you' AND I WALK ALL THE WAY DOWN STAIRS as she screams in outrage. By walking down the stairs it helps me to not pop right back in and gives her some time to calm herself. If she's really going after 30 seconds I walk back up the stairs and shorten it to 'lay down its night night, love you'.... go back down stairs again... repeat the process but I always try to give her time to do it herself. After the 3rd visit I only say 'lay down, night night' Then after '5-6th time I only say 'night night'. I always have a VERY sweet and comforting disposition and a smile when I pop in to check on her and remind myself that she's okay and I NEED TO REMAIN CALM to show her that everything really IS okay and there's no reason to fight sleep.
That was 2 1/2 months ago and we are on our 3rd canine now and HAVEN'T had to do a single wi/wo in 2 1/2 months!!!!!!!!!! She now asks for nap time if she's tired and ready before I start her warnings. She also asks for her 'milk' which means she wants to have warm milk and go to bed. This is nice b/c she accepts rest times and can gauge when she needs it before I can sometimes (she just turned 2 and is able to communicate a lot more than 18 months). So she loves it, accepts it and needs it. Its not a bad time, it is good. We always tell her we are tired too and going to nap as well (used to before lo #2 came around). Same with bt.... If its neutral and a good thing... not a bad thing (no reason to feel sorry for them) they pick up on that and take it to heart.
What seemed to really help her is me being OVERLY comforting during A times and gentle but firm with nap/bt's. They need to know its okay to rest when they aren't well. and we are their guide to that. It is scary and hard for them during illness/teething but they really pick up on us. I am NOT emotional at ALL about sleep times, I'm loving and a bit monotone but no longer have the 'poor baby' feeling in my heart. It is simply nap time and time to rest. And that seems to help.
Can you give him some milk (and crackers if its day time) with the medicine to help ease it in his tummy?
Take care of yourself right now Jo! Its important that you don't get too run down,he needs a mommy who's on top of her game right now, b/c he's not.
Good thing DH is there with you for some sleep times. You can support eachother. I would get with DH and talk about how you want to handle it. Then communicate with Caleb before nap/bt about what's going to happen. Give him plenty of warnings (to prepare himself mentally for it,, no surprises.. spirited kids hate surprises!) then do what you and DH have decided to do and be consistent so he has the security of knowing what will always happen. It will take him a few times of you being consistent with whatever method you choose to really know what's coming and be able to take security in the consistency.
You are getting some great advice here from everyone.
you will pull through this. Take comfort in the fact you will have your sweet little Caleb back.... Just ask for strength to help you make it as long as it takes.
Take care!