biggest hugs Liz }}}}}}{{{{{{{
Oscar is very similar in terms of sleep - you can throw a party in his room (lit turn the light son full blast to put washing away or search for something) pre 5am but make a peep after that and he's awake....
We went through similar issues - Ozzie was transitioning to the BBB and p/training for poos in the morning (had been dry and clean by day for around 6 mths before Emma came but still pooing in his night nappy at the end of the night....) and this signalled him to get up, do a poo, and that was it. For a while last spring it was on the button of 4.40am. After a 3/4am feed from totally get you, though Emma was a great sleeper, I still found it hard to cope with Ozzie.
It IS a phase, it WILL pass.....this summer I am enjoying "lie ons" with Oz. He will only give me a 10.5 hr night EVER, maybe 11 if sick/after a VERY active day (though all of his are active LOL - just because he is who he is) so I have gradually been able to move his bedtime to 9.30pm (and believe me, I don't mind knowing whats in store for me in the morning....) and we are ALL sleeping till 8/8.30am. This is a child who had 70% wakings before 6am for the past 2 yrs and 3 mths of his life.....
More huggles and sleepy vibes for you and Jacob and Megan of course.
S x
ps. In summer 2008 in Ireland in Argos I think we bought the sleepy head Thomas the Tank clock. We have used it and have gradually changed the time for what we call acceptable and it has worked with Oz NOT WAKING US since Christmas until the light goes off. We did a sticker chart for it and Oscar had to be in the "quiet zone" (sounds better in Polish, its DHs phrase - sounds like the duty-free zone in the airport LOL) until 6/6.30/7 am etc. He is free to potter in the meantime etc etc. I know Jacob is still young but the Thomas clock is so so sweet and we were using it from 2 yrs 3 mths when the horrible EWs started and Oscar really "gets it" for the past year or so for sure....
S x