My LO is nearly 7 months and I introduced solids about 3 weeks ago. At the moment, I am feeding breakfast and dinner and am thinking about introducing lunch soon. However, I am really confused about how to fit it into EASY. I feed solids an hour/ hour and half after the milk feeds but my LO doesnt seem hungry enough. She takes about a few spoons and then loses interest. I can't push the solid feed too much further after milk since it will go into nap time.When I have asked other mums, suggestions have been to feed milk before nap and solids after naps but this goes against EASY so I'm not keen. Any suggestions?
Our EASY looks like this:
6:30 - wake
7:00 - BF
8:00 - breakfast
9 - 10:30 - nap
10:30/11 - formula
1pm – 2:30 – nap
2:30 – formula
5:00 – catnap (hit and miss)
5:30 – solids
7:30 – BF and bed
10:45 - DF