Author Topic: Need to keep DS up late – what would you do?  (Read 1019 times)

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Need to keep DS up late – what would you do?
« on: August 10, 2010, 19:17:16 pm »
We have a family function to go to on a Friday night at a restaurant.  Dinner starts at 6:30 so DS (13.5 mths) needs to stay up until around 9:00 or 9:30 I estimate.  Usually he’s asleep around 7:30/7:45 at the latest. 

We’re going through 2:1 right now and have been doing short am/long pm.  We used to do the reverse, until he started refusing the short pm.  We’ve been doing the occasional 1 day nap too.

I’m thinking that on that particular day I’ll have to do a long am and try and get a late CN – say around 5:00 pm.  How long should I let him nap?  20 min? 30 min?  45 min?

Usually on a 20 min CN in the morning he can handle 3h 15 A.

Any ideas on how to get through the night appreciated!  I’m nervous as we never take him out that late.  We have no life!!!!

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Re: Need to keep DS up late – what would you do?
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2010, 19:25:58 pm »
First off, I'd be prepared for one parent to leave early with DS, especially if the other parent can get a ride. In the event he gets OT and cranky/crazy (both of mine would have at that age), it won't do anyone any good to keep him up any later if he does fall apart. So.... have an exit strategy.

If you're able to have a longer nap or a catnap, do take advantage of it. If you're able to have him stay at home with someone familiar instead, do keep that option open. But if he is OT when he gets home (likely but not guaranteed), be prepared for a restless night, a wakeup the next day that's too early for him (or too late!), and a cranky day the next day while he adjusts. Also be prepared for a late night the next bedtime if he's not yet back on schedule.

Hope it does go well and you're able to have a properly good time! :)

Offline Tweakster

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Re: Need to keep DS up late – what would you do?
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2010, 19:27:34 pm »
Would he nap in the car on the way?  If it's close to bedtime and he's had a lot of A time beforehand he may nod off.
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Re: Need to keep DS up late – what would you do?
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2010, 19:29:55 pm »
Have you thought about letting him take as long a morning nap as he wants? This would still probably only be 45 minutes, but that will probably help.

When we have to be out late with DS I try to get him to take a late, and loooong nap, and he can totally handle staying up later. That also means letting him sleep as late in the morning as he can.  He will probably surprise you with his stamina. Don't stress about it too much. He may only sleep a 10hr night, but he will catch back up within a day or so. That has been our experience.

Offline B J

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Re: Need to keep DS up late – what would you do?
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2010, 23:38:09 pm »
Thanks for the advice everyone.  I guess it will be a game day decision depending on what time he wakes up in the morning, I'll have to figure out how to get enough nap time in him to keep him going.  He is hit and miss with napping in the car.  He falls asleep in the car when you don't want him to, but won't fall asleep when you do want him to.  So most likely he won't take a nap on the way there!

One of us could go home early if need be.  It's my father's 75th birthday party so my parents would like all of us to be there.  There will be other LOs there too, so my family knows not to make it a late night. Hopefully we'll be able to enjoy ourselves, as we don't get out much!!

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Re: Need to keep DS up late – what would you do?
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2010, 09:48:31 am »
I really wouldn't stress too much about it.  I am always surprised by my LOs stamina at these sorts of things.  All the company keeps her going.   I'd try and let him sleep from 5-6pm and then just head to the restaurant.  He should be able to manage to 9-9.30 then!  Brings snacks to keep him entertained until the meal comes...that always helped here. 

Its important to get out and enjoy yourself.  Especially for something important like your dad's birthday.  Hope it all goes well xx

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Re: Need to keep DS up late – what would you do?
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2010, 10:04:43 am »
Also, we take our buggy / pushchair so LO can sleep in there if really desperate for sleep. Don't know if your LO will do that but if it folds up nicely and will fit in your car, then it's another option as opposed to going home early :)


In our experience, they love socialising with everyone and will fight sleep as they don't want to miss out on anything! :)