Author Topic: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.  (Read 13571 times)

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2010, 18:52:07 pm »
in fact a lot of the time you open up her nappy thinking "that must be a poo" but it's not!
I get exactly the same! In fact when J poops he farts as well (typical man) so I think 'god that poop smells' but it's never actually that bad on inspection!

We had a dark green slimy poop this evening making me think 'what have I eaten?' but he does have a cold so I guess it's not a good indicator until he's better!

So Liz what hidden dairy is in bread? Most of the packaging I read says allergy information milk, soya..... Does that include the hidden stuff or have I been lucky so far?
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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2010, 19:28:27 pm »
Erm Marsha - does it say milk and soya on the allergy information bit? That means that there is milk and soya IN it. In the vast majority of breads there is soy flour and skimmed milk powder. They use milk as a substrate for the yeast, and milk and butter helps the crust to form.

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2010, 20:37:32 pm »
I don't think I worded that very well! Everything I have mostly just says soya, so I was hoping they weren't being sly and sticking other stuff in! As long as I know I am actually doing it right! Going to hit Waitrose tomorrow. Those choccie covered things sounds tempting! Mind you, anything covered in choccie is tempting to me!

Oops sorry Lizzie for hijacking your thread!
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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2010, 20:58:17 pm »
joining the poop talks

I have removed obvious dairy from my meals but hidden is ok.

farts are killers and poop is slightly more regular when i dont have dairy and is on the liquidy side but not mucousy at leats no obvious mucous...reassuring that this is MPI related

we are also on reflux medi :(

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2010, 01:09:49 am »
Hey Marsha, you haven't taken over ;D I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one dealing with this stuff.  I don't think the poos will be totally normal whilst your LO has a cold, I'm not expecting Cs to be but hopefully they will be more mustardy soon (if this diet is helping). 

Mukta sweetie, don't feel bad that your LO is on reflux meds, if it helps it is a GOOD thing, so much better than pain and so mild but so effective :)

Liz, thanks for clarifying that...I couldn't see why the poo would be different just because she is older since the diet is exactly the same and it's been a while since mum has had a newborn, just didn't want to dismiss what she said without asking for opinions first :)


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Offline *Liz*

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2010, 02:29:01 am »
My mum is the same Lizzie - I guess 30 years from now I really won't remember all this detail.

Does that mean none if us have normal BF seeds?? How odd.

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2010, 03:43:57 am »
It gives me comfort that M and J don't have seeds actually 'cause I was wondering if my milk was just not fatty enough (as Cs weight gain isn't great)...but your LOs are doing fine, so phewx

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Offline Mrs Coops

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #22 on: August 17, 2010, 06:44:40 am »
No seeds here and J's weight gain was fine at the last check! Having another weigh in tomorrow, his first in two weeks and lots of vomiting!
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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #23 on: August 17, 2010, 13:56:23 pm »
Jacobs weight gain was rubbish from about 4 mths on (fell 3 centiles) and he always had plenty of seeds, and then plenty of formula.

Lizzie - I know how much you worry about your milk - but honestly - YOUR milk really is the BEST thing for your little girl - even if it does mean slightly slower gain. You have made it just for HER  ;D :-* :-*.

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #24 on: August 17, 2010, 14:57:47 pm »
Mukta sweetie, don't feel bad that your LO is on reflux meds, if it helps it is a GOOD thing, so much better than pain and so mild but so effective

thanks Lizzie, but just feel so bad for forcing yucky tasting medi down his throat....he really dislikes it!
and we have no seeds in the poo as well
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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #25 on: August 17, 2010, 23:55:09 pm »
Thanks Liz, I do know it's best for her (and for me too) - just don't want MY priorities to outweigh what she needs iykwim?  I do think she is getting enough so I suspect it's just my kiddies don't get all that fat!

Mukta, hugs lovely...I do understand how it feels forcing yucky tasting stuff down their throats but if it helps them it really is so much better than being in pain!  Hugs though, I presume you are on Zantac?

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #26 on: August 18, 2010, 06:58:17 am »
good luck Marsha, we are weighing tomorrow too.  I am not too worried the past few days.  Just bee watching him: - he is soo active, rolling this way and that, lunging for things, trying to sit up for a few seconds and screeching all the time plenty of laughing and smiling, the picture of health.   How could he be anything but a healthy bub?

Offline LizzieN

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #27 on: August 18, 2010, 12:24:37 pm »
Hugs Eloise,
Hope your weighing goes well lovely, but if it doesn't just keep that picture of your ACTIVE and healthy little man....he won't be gaining as well if he is moving around like that, it does take them a little while to catch up when they go through a huge development like that!!


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Offline *Liz*

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #28 on: August 18, 2010, 13:01:52 pm »
I suspect it's just my kiddies don't get all that fat!

That sounds exactly right  :-* :-*.

How could he be anything but a healthy bub?

Just as mama's know when something is up they also know when nothing is up. So pleased he is doing so well ATM Eloise  ;D.

Mukta - DD is on Zantac, and DS had it as well. They do get used to the taste and stop looking so disgusted with you. DS is the easier guy in the world to give meds too after all he had as a LO - I just hand him a syringe and he sucks it out  ::).

Offline Mama2boys

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #29 on: August 18, 2010, 13:43:24 pm »
Ranitidine, is taht the same as Zantac, the probelm is that i dont think our doc is taking us seriously and overall DS2 is happy so maybe I dont need to make a mountain of a molehill.

We have a checkup end of month but so far he had been gaining weight ok, sleeps ok, could be better but then tahts normal..

today he pooped big time after 3 days and it was mustardy gooey with some white streaks so guesisng that was mucous and a bit worrie dbut then on the weekend I had yoghurt to see if that would be acceptable..i guess not!

I am really struggling as our whole eating is around milk and milk products and i cannot substitute with soy as its not very good for my poor thyroid. ugh! hope he grows out of it soon.
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