Author Topic: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.  (Read 13588 times)

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Offline LizzieN

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #45 on: August 29, 2010, 23:57:31 pm »
Meant to say too Eloise, thanks again for the info as to what your paed said.  The mucous that C has isn't too profuse but her whole nappy is kind of the egg white sticky consistency iykwim?  Dark mustard, runny but with that sticky sheen and no mustard seeds.  Usually if she does a second poo that one is even more.

Def think there is something there but as you say each day is a step closer to her gi getting more mature x

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Offline EloysH

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #46 on: August 30, 2010, 11:47:42 am »
Lizzie,  her poo frequency is still within the range of normal though - yes?

Well I am about to embark on a really pooy post, but here goes: - ---
I think what you are describing though is Kais poos when they are good - his are:

Kai's are yellow and slimy or yellow and really watery.  The sheen you describe might be what I call the slime?

 As for your egg white description...   to me the egg white is definantly mucus - does it have any of these characteristics: - The mucus when it appears is definantly gluggy/sticky/  when  open the folds of the nappy I see the  (mucus) npoo egg white bit trying to "hold together". 

I don't think the egg white is normal, however i do think  thick slimy/shiny poo is normal. 

Sounds like her weight gain is perfect for her percentile.. !  :)

Kai put on a whopping 300g last week  ;D ;D  Amazing after what he's put on i the past.  I can't honsetly say I did anything different except I offered a few extra "light" feeds, and also have been really mildful when feeding him, going in a dark room, and willing him to get fat, imagining the weight is already on him, instead of worrying that he is ill.  He probably was due for a growth spurt anyway!

Offline LizzieN

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #47 on: August 30, 2010, 12:04:21 pm »
Ohh well done for the weight gain, that is terrific!

If C would just hold at a percentile I would be happy (well happier), she is a long skinny baby with all the other stuff round the 50th...but she looks happy and well to me so I try and stay positive and bear in mind she will be taking some solids in the not too distant future.

Her poos are like what you described but there aren't little bits of egg white type stuff, all the poo kind of forms sticky together strings if you pull the nappy edges away from each other ( I don't know if that makes sense) doesn't look really terrible (like the photos posted) but I just don't think it's normal either. 

I have a confession, one of my friends visited and her LO did a poo while he was here and I did sneak a peek to see if it was the same as Cs....completely different, watery poo like what we got before C had the lactose over load.  Having said that he poos several times a day and she often goes a week, but even when she goes 3 or even 2 days it still looks the same.

I actually think that the wind she has is limiting her feeding at times too, when she has a windy tummy she will not stay on the boob if the flow is low, so it's hard to get that extra stimulation to increase the milk without expressing....(and expressing doesn't seem to lift it that much for me anyway!)....
ahhh well, such is life for now

Thanks so much for all your help sweetie, you are so amazing to be helping me when dealing with so much yourself

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Offline LizzieN

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #48 on: September 01, 2010, 04:21:51 am »
Ok so last night was a shocker, she is just SO windy!!!  I don't know what else to do, I've stopped eating cashew nuts in case they were contributing but honestly the amount of wind that is coming out of her, I"m not surprised she can't's just crazy!

:( Lizzie

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Offline Gypsymom

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #49 on: September 01, 2010, 04:33:28 am »
Oh, no, Lizzie. That's so frustrating. You can PM me a pic of C's poo if you like. Sadly, I have more pictures of S's diapers than his face, especially from the first two months!

I don't think the egg white is normal, however i do think  thick slimy/shiny poo is normal.
This surprised me! All this time I have been thinking I have to try to get rid of the slime. I thought we wanted mustard consistency, not just colour??

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #50 on: September 01, 2010, 06:27:22 am »
Well J's poo has been watery and slimy. Then he didn't 'go' for a day so when he did it last night I was surprised to find it was a 'normal' looking (slightly runny) mustard consistency, but a bit whiffy!

I don't really know what is 'normal' any more!
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Offline EloysH

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #51 on: September 02, 2010, 00:54:51 am »
Shannon,  I've given up on getting the mustard seeds, sometimes we get a bit thicker mustard consistency but linkeed to less freq feeding. Honeslty I have so much milk that I can't pay much attention to the thickness.   I just worry if Isee the egg white, strings, or globs of mucus the tell take sign of the gut irritation.    Kais poos are slimy alot, he has a thickener before every feed so that's probably why, the slime is not mucus, so how could it be bad?

Lizzie:  LOL on the 'sneak peek'  ;)  Sorry she's just so windy!  Do you think her tummy is sore too? Is it sore to touch? Do the poos make a noise when they comeout? re they bubbling?  I am just wondering if she has a fermented gut, like when she has lactose overload.   is she takign on alot of air when she feeds?  Of course that Is a prime culprit for wind?  Is she always burping now after a feed? Its not getting stuck in teh tummy is it? 

I guess if you still have the egg white and strings then the gut is still sore, so the wind prob won't disappear. 

The best thing I did recently is put K on lactease drops (3 drops on spoon before every feed) just to rule out lactose overload, as we were getting green poos at 1am with farts.   It turned the poos back to yellow and no more fart sessions :) And it just made him extra comfortable right after a feed.  I am going to stick with them until the feeding frequency gets less with intro to solids etc. So now we have thickener and drops before every feed  :P

If shes taking small feeds all you can do is offer again from the same side t at different intervals. The mtohercraft nurse I see suggested 10 and 20 mins after.

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #52 on: September 02, 2010, 03:49:58 am »
Ladies have you looked at the pictures of normal poop in the BFing board? I lot have no seeds and look rather slimy, and I think that is quite normal really. Or at least normal for that happy thriving baby. My paed says some LOs have a 6 week lag on poo resolution so to go on other symptoms - mainly happiness, development and weight.

Offline EloysH

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #53 on: September 02, 2010, 04:32:07 am »
Liz, I totally agree with your paed the paed allergist has said pretty much the same thing,  its only when the poos are coupled with the unsettledness that you worry.  If they are happy with a mucus poo then don't worry too much.

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #54 on: September 02, 2010, 08:46:15 am »
Radical idea Lizzie - but Megan just had a very unsettled night after 2 perfect nights.

Very very windy and wriggling all night long really.

I stopped my fenugreek for 2 days as it gave me an upset tummy, and then took it again yesterday, and I am only managing 1 tablet before it upsets me.

I'm pretty sure it has made Megan uncomfortable and windy as well. Just thought I'd mention it 'just in case'. Seems to be a few people online saying the same, although apparently most babies are unaffected.

Worth a thought though as you could use domperidone for supply instead if needed.

Offline LizzieN

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #55 on: September 02, 2010, 10:18:48 am »
Well at the moment she is NOT happy, I've been up with her for hours every night for about the last 3-4 nights, just TRYING to get some wind out of her so she can settle down.  She is really uncomfortable.  Did her poo today and mum had a look too and she thinks it's not quite right either...dark yellow/mustard with green globs and sticky looking....

I made a doctors appt for monday to go and chat to the doctor (also have to go for me and Cs 4 month immunisations) so we will see what she has to say about it.

I have to say if I was that full of wind I wouldn't be happy as an adult, she must have a really sore tummy so often!  Poor little daring!

Will go and check out the normal poo photos Liz, thanks didn't realise there were any shots there :)  Also with the fenugreek, I didn't notice any difference in her when I started taking it (or when I started the blessed thistle) and last time I tried domp. and it didn't increase my supply I don't think (the herbals seemed to work better)....she has been mega windy since birth pretty much so I think it's probably been an issue all along.  I have been on a probiotic since she has had antibiotics (a dairy free one) but thought that should really help??


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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #56 on: September 02, 2010, 19:52:02 pm »
I have been advised to give the DF probiotic directly to S (open the capsule and dab the powder onto a wet nipple or soother), but I haven't tried it yet. All the infant formulations we could find had some dairy or soy (or trace) so we didn't use those. I'm sorry to say I had to eliminate a lot more than milk and soy before we got rid of the wind.

Hugs, Lizzie. Hope you can find a culprit soon!

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #57 on: September 02, 2010, 20:00:53 pm »
That was kind of what I was thinking in a way Shannon - that with a baby SO prone to wind they probably react to more than just one thing.

((hugs)) for the bad nights Lizzie  :-* :-*

Offline LizzieN

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #58 on: September 02, 2010, 23:21:52 pm »
I just don't know anymore, looking at the various "normal" poos I would say that Cs is within the range (oh that blood one was terrible!) but I know that the amount of wind she has isn't!  She did another poo at 3;30am so hopefully she feels a bit better now (3 in a day!). I know I shouldn't complain about my nights when you have all been going through hell with yours, it's just that I know it's because she is uncomfortable, not because she can't or won't sleep iykwim?

Anyway will head to the doc on monday and see what she said.

Gypsymom - what did you cut out next (after dairy and soy)?

Hugs to all and so many thanks, I know you are all busy and coping with your own battles

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Offline EloysH

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Re: MPI and Poo - wayyy tmi.
« Reply #59 on: September 03, 2010, 02:32:07 am »
Lizzie,  you probably don't want to hear this but it wasn't till I cut gluten that i notcied a significant improvement in the fermented gut situation. Even then he was better for a month or two  before foods became and issue again, hence  cut right back to the bare bones.  Hence I am now working through the various groups to see what I can add back in to the diet.  I have to say though, after gluten the wind never really came back, the foods seemed to flare his refluxing rate and bring back hiccups and wet burps and give him mucus poos.

IAt some point I am supposed to test gluten again, not looking forward to it esp with bubs weight gain being an issue.  Just weighed himmtoday and ho only put on 50g, interesting because last week I did a food challenge and he didnt take it too well.