Hi, I am new to this sight but am in need of advice with my DS eating habbits.
He is 22 months and used to have an amazing appetite but for the past 2 months he is refusing everything but fruit and bread.
Here is an example of his feeding he had yesterday:
6am - 6oz milk
8am - 2 spoons of shreddies, 8th of a slice of toast, fruit juice
12pm - 10 grapes halved, 5 large strawberries, half banana, have half slice of bread - water
3pm - Welsh cake - fruit juice
5pm - 2 spoons of cottage pie, refused it screaming and throwing bowl so ended up having 2 yoghurts
7.15pm 6oz milk.
Should I cut out his milk altogether in a hope to improve his appetite???
He used to eat all the homecooked meals i made him, he has only ever had 1 jar of shop bought baby food in his life, something i was very proud)
He rarely has chocolate or sweets but has recently taken to biscuits and when refusing meals he asks for a 'bikkit'...
he is not underweight but i worry that he is not getting the right nutrients, vitamins he needs... I feel so FRUSTRATED...and doubting myself as a good mother, my mum says it a phase he is going through, i am not so sure as he is my 1st i have nothing to compare him to...
His dirty nappies are getting softer, prob from all the fruit he is eating, or the fact that he is badly teething (he has 12 teeth at mo, 4 coming through for last few weeks...
Any suggestions would be really appreciated on how to improve his eating pattern.....
Sorry for the rant