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Advice on wheat/gluten allergy/intolerance please
« on: August 17, 2010, 18:29:06 pm »

My 7 mo DS had bread for the first time today. 1.5 hours later he started vomiting, glands the size of golf balls and hives. Took him to GP who cleared him of anything else and said most likely an allergy. All symptoms subsided within a couple of hours

We already have suspected MPI and I have been dairy free since he was 3 weeks (EBF). Symptoms here though were just the vomiting (normally very, very thick vomit) and this is 8-12 hours after dairy consumed.

This is new to me so not sure what to think! Obviously will hold off offering bread again. Going to see consultant at hosp in Sept about MPI so will bring up then.

Anyone got any ideas or can point me in the direction of good websites etc??


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Re: Advice on wheat/gluten allergy/intolerance please
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2010, 19:00:38 pm »
It certainly sounds like a reaction to something in the bread.  Probably the wheat - but what other ingredients were in there?  Milk/soy reactions can be mainly GI related, where as other symptoms that are true allergies (not intolerances) can show with things like hives.  Having such a quick reaction, especially with the hives, indicates it most likely was the new food that was introduced.  If it was solely GI related then it might be questionable, does that make sense?

I would check the main ingredients in the bread and hold off on them - not just the wheat.

There are some great sites to check out more info, like 

How is your LO doing now?  Did you give benadryl or anything for the hives? 

Hope he is feeling better!!  Did the dr give any advice on how to proceed with introducing new foods?

(((hugs))) :-*

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Re: Advice on wheat/gluten allergy/intolerance please
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2010, 19:41:10 pm »

Have had a look at the ingredients and there was soya in it too. Didn't think to check before giving it TBH  :-[. I knew it didn't have milk. I have never been convinced that he had a soya intolerance alongside his MPI (this is only through my BM though) but maybe that was it? The 3 reactions are VERY different though - would that give any clues?

What does GI mean please??

Didn't give anything for the hives - they went pretty quickly. Dr didn't help much TBH. Have just ordered milk/soya free bread so maybe give TINY bit of that and see if there is any reaction. Thankfully he was absolutely fine in himself. In fact although threw up lunch and I didn't give him a solids dinner he still STTN! With MPI he can get quite windy and uncomfortable.

Thanks  :D

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Re: Advice on wheat/gluten allergy/intolerance please
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2010, 19:49:54 pm »

Definitely hold off on the wheat, maybe till he's a year or more. Also, has he had corn yet? Many breads use corn sweeteners and/or corn starch and I've read of people reacting to those; we actually suspected a corn allergy here for some time before we could rule it out, hence my reading up on it.


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Re: Advice on wheat/gluten allergy/intolerance please
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2010, 20:37:32 pm »
I agree -would not introduce wheat again, even a teeny tiny bit, (even w/out the milk/soy) until much later.  Typically the first reaction to a food is mild compared to the SECOND reaction (because now the body is on the lookout for the allergen and will show more sever symptoms).  Sounded like a pretty impressive reaction, and I would take it seriously kwim?


Thanks Deb!  ....and also great point about the corn!  That is really creeping up everywhere nowadays (especially in the US).

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Re: Advice on wheat/gluten allergy/intolerance please
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2010, 20:52:38 pm »
Thanks, yes he had had corn - those little organix corn rings I have given as first finger food.

OK will NOT try with wheat again. Have just ordered some gluten free pasta too so hopefully will be able to use that.

This is going to be really hard to wean onto solids - no dairy, soy or wheat! And he was sick on bananas. I know there are others here with the same issues so I will be around a lot more now.

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Re: Advice on wheat/gluten allergy/intolerance please
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2010, 20:55:30 pm »
Another question! He doesn't react to any wheat that I consume like he does dairy - is this typical??

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Re: Advice on wheat/gluten allergy/intolerance please
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2010, 21:19:12 pm »
It certainly sounds like a reaction to something in the bread.  Probably the wheat - but what other ingredients were in there?  Milk/soy reactions can be mainly GI related, where as other symptoms that are true allergies (not intolerances) can show with things like hives.  Having such a quick reaction, especially with the hives, indicates it most likely was the new food that was introduced.  If it was solely GI related then it might be questionable, does that make sense?

Just sitting doing DF and thinking about all of this and your comments here suddenly clicked in my brain! Where you say GI related do you mean where the foods are digested through to the bowel and react? That would make sense with the delayed reaction to milk and his symptoms being wind, thick/digested sick.

With the reaction yesterday it was almost as if it was his body reacting to the foreign body rather than just his digestive system not coping with it.

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Re: Advice on wheat/gluten allergy/intolerance please
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2010, 22:00:07 pm »
Yep, I agree - yesterday sounded like more of an allergic reaction, as opposed to a more digestive intolerance. May want to keep some Benadryl handy in case someone well-meaning gives him something he shouldn't have. :-\


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Re: Advice on wheat/gluten allergy/intolerance please
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2010, 23:08:01 pm »
It certainly sounds like a reaction to something in the bread.  Probably the wheat - but what other ingredients were in there?  Milk/soy reactions can be mainly GI related, where as other symptoms that are true allergies (not intolerances) can show with things like hives.  Having such a quick reaction, especially with the hives, indicates it most likely was the new food that was introduced.  If it was solely GI related then it might be questionable, does that make sense?

Just sitting doing DF and thinking about all of this and your comments here suddenly clicked in my brain! Where you say GI related do you mean where the foods are digested through to the bowel and react? That would make sense with the delayed reaction to milk and his symptoms being wind, thick/digested sick.

Yes, exactly what I was saying.  :)

,,,and for sure get some benadryl or another antihistamine (check the ingredients to make sure it's safe).  You should let everyone who is around him know that he is very allergic to wheat (at the least) and that no one should give him anything to eat unless it's a food that has been approved by you.  There are always some good hearted people who think they have "safe" foods and give to him which may cause a reaction, very important to have benadryl or equivalent handy for them (and you).  I would let them know what the symptoms are (i.e, if he breaks out in a rash/hives, swelling, and ESPECIALLY any wheezing/respiratory symptoms) - let them know immediately how much to give and who to call (I used to write it all out and give to my parents when they babysat).

Lastly - perhaps start thinking about a ped allergist visit.    They can help determine if there are any other allergies and also help with a game plan for introducing solids.

(((HUGS))) - it can be a bit overwhelming in the beginning, but you'll find soon that it just becomes the normal way of life and you both adjust accordingly.   :D :-*

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Re: Advice on wheat/gluten allergy/intolerance please
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2010, 01:13:04 am »
Lastly - perhaps start thinking about a ped allergist visit.    They can help determine if there are any other allergies and also help with a game plan for introducing solids.

(((HUGS))) - it can be a bit overwhelming in the beginning, but you'll find soon that it just becomes the normal way of life and you both adjust accordingly.   :D :-*

You'll also find that you get good at reading labels, surprisingly good at cooking from scratch, and probably eat a LOT better than most of the people you know. You may also find yourself learning more about food and how it's produced and processed than you thought you wanted to know, but it'll affect your food choices and shopping style, for the better overall IMO! :)

Offline Buntybear

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Re: Advice on wheat/gluten allergy/intolerance please
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2010, 09:07:28 am »
Lastly - perhaps start thinking about a ped allergist visit.    They can help determine if there are any other allergies and also help with a game plan for introducing solids.

Already under the care of one of these for his dairy allergy. Follow up appt in Sept  :) so can raise this then.

You'll also find that you get good at reading labels, surprisingly good at cooking from scratch, and probably eat a LOT better than most of the people you know. You may also find yourself learning more about food and how it's produced and processed than you thought you wanted to know, but it'll affect your food choices and shopping style, for the better overall IMO! :)

I have Crohn's disease and although not allergic/intolerant to anything am very wary about eating processed foods already. I rarely buy ready meals and being a bit of a foodie anyway quite enjoy cooking from scratch. Course it is a differnet matter when you also have a baby to look after and now he is not old enough to eat what we are eating then it is very hard. As you say, in a couple of months time I will be a dab hand at making his meals and will probably have a whole list of recipes that I can knock up for him quickly  :P

Thanks so much for your help. It is great to be able to talk about it. I am feeling very overwhelmed and emotional about it at the mo!

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Re: Advice on wheat/gluten allergy/intolerance please
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2010, 11:29:27 am »
You are not alone. My LO seems intolerant to wheat/dairy/soy/egg/salicylates/amines through my milk.

  I am still testing the intolerances through elimination diet with view to food challenge.  Anyway, when we introduce solids it will be under advice of  a paediatric dietician, and he will only  allowed non allergenic foods and non intolerant foods, to start.  Once we have introduced all those, we will try moderately troublesome food in a small quantity, like 1/2 teaspoon daily then work up from there to find the level at which he reacts/or doesn't react.

Some of foods that he will start on will be:

rice cereal
potato peeled
pears peeled (ripe)
green beans
certain legumes

there are wonderful bread alternatives and recipes for things such as gluten free rusks lurking...  I can find one for you if you like...

Some of the moderate foods are:
sweet potato
golden and red delicious apples peeled
unripe peeled pears
nashi pear
zucchini peeled


He will be getting scratch tests as 6 months old to determine if he has allergies to certain foods, although I don't think there is a scratch test for wheat?? Maybe you could do the same?

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Re: Advice on wheat/gluten allergy/intolerance please
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2010, 19:24:35 pm »
there are wonderful bread alternatives and recipes for things such as gluten free rusks lurking...  I can find one for you if you like...

Oh yes please  ;D

He will be getting scratch tests as 6 months old to determine if he has allergies to certain foods, although I don't think there is a scratch test for wheat?? Maybe you could do the same?

Our Consultant said they can't test until 1 year old. Will confirm this again with him when we go in a couple of weeks. That ould be ideal as I don't want to introduce anything if it will make him unwell as I am sure you understand!

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Re: Advice on wheat/gluten allergy/intolerance please
« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2010, 23:36:40 pm »
ok recipe coming.  Our scratch tests are deferred till 8 months old, as it doesn't seem urgent or had any food reactions to indicate allergy as yet.  All his symptoms intdicate intolerance.

3/4 cup rice flour or maize cornflour
1/4 cup dairy free maragine
2 tablespoons cooked permitted vege like potato

combine and knead into stiff dough
add 1-2 teaspoons water to moisten dough if req
roll mixture into finger sized sausages
bake at 180 degrees 350 F for 20-25 mins until start to brown
allow to cool

 also you can just cut up gluten free bread and bake in over at very low for about 20 mins  they work nicely too
« Last Edit: August 30, 2010, 11:49:32 am by EloysH »