Tracy recommended a 3hrly EASY if your LO weighs 8lb or more AND they have regained their birth weight.
I would say her total A time would be 45 mins, so winddown 10 mins before that. I REALLY struggled with this with DD though as she was still far too windy to settle at anywhere near that sort of an A time - and so she ended up short napping a lot.
I would do a flexible 2-3hrly EASY for now - but certainly never try and 'hold off' a feeding to keep to a routine at this stage. I also wouldn't let her go longer than 3 hrs without eating as she is pretty small, and you need to get her feeding well to try and avoid things like too much weight loss and jaundice.
Smaller babies can be very sleepy though and waking to feed is easier said than done. Jacob was born 5lb 13, and dropped to 5lb. He was much sleepier as a NB than Megan who was 7lb 6.
Also remember that there are about a MILLION little growth spurts in the first few weeks - something like 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 6 weeks.
The first things I would really focus on though are getting her to feed well, and try to establish the difference between night and day.
Congratulations again Sabs - be flexible for now - it really is at 6ish weeks that you can start to get a decent 3hrly EASY going. But TBH Megan is only just getting there now at 11 weeks.