Hi Trisha,
My DD was also very unsettled during the day at this age, but did fine at nights. I would get sooo frustrated with trying to get her to nap. I also did the same techniques you did, swaddle, wind down, etc... but it just didn't work. I think she just needed time to adjust to being in the world! My solution was to put her in a baby sling or baby carrier and she'd fall asleep quickly and take a long nap. But I had to be prepared to keep her in the sling for the whole nap, she'd wake if I took her out. When she was about 3 months old I started to try to get her to settle more independently and she did fine with that. With her in the sling I was able to do chores, shopping, go for a nice walk, whatever. Then when she was wake I could spend more time just enjoying her.
Good luck!