Author Topic: Sleep, what's that?  (Read 33064 times)

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Re: Sleep, what's that?
« Reply #165 on: September 24, 2010, 10:52:11 am »
i just bought an alarm with the light function but not sure if i'm going to try it now. 

u do what you need to do!! lol...  i wonder if you increase the amount of physical activities, would it help?  DS needs to run around like mad after dinner and then read a book or watch an animal video and then he's calm enough to do his bath and bedtime routine. 

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Re: Sleep, what's that?
« Reply #166 on: September 24, 2010, 11:02:22 am »
Maybe...Which is why he probably sleeps better at weekends and on a Fri when I'm home lol!  When my mum has him I think there's a bit too much TV...sigh... but that's a really difficult one to tackle.  Also the weather doesn't help atm.

DS has been having a bit of a kick around with DH when he gets in from work so maybe that'll help.  Although he's had an active morning but STILL hasn't settled for his nap :(  If it's not one thing it's another!

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Re: Sleep, what's that?
« Reply #167 on: September 24, 2010, 11:06:20 am »
If it's not one thing it's another!
that's so true :(  when it's finally over, they will be moving out of the house LOL 

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Re: Sleep, what's that?
« Reply #168 on: September 24, 2010, 11:26:05 am »
Henry has on occasions slept through the light too laura and I agree, it is good to know :)
Today he was awake before it and I stood at the door and asked him if the sun had come up and he said yes but of course when I went in it had not. Henry told me to 'press the button' cheeky little thing......I had to do a big spiel about how you can't MAKE the sun come up and I swear he just looked at me like... yeah right mum!

Anyway, off track.....have you been getting lots of EW's recently? That is not usual for O is it? Do you think it is teeth?

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Re: Sleep, what's that?
« Reply #169 on: September 24, 2010, 11:42:12 am »
Gotta be teeth the EWs - it always was when he was little too.

Have you made the sun come up for Henry before?  They are so perseptive aren't they?!

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Re: Sleep, what's that?
« Reply #170 on: September 24, 2010, 11:48:00 am »
it really amazes me how observant LOs are and how much memory they have about where things are and how things work!!! 

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Re: Sleep, what's that?
« Reply #171 on: September 24, 2010, 11:57:35 am »
yes ONCE it did not come on and I had to do it. I was stressed all day about it as I know how much Henry notices and DH was telling me it would be fine but he did notice!

Laura - do you ever do df meds?

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Re: Sleep, what's that?
« Reply #172 on: September 24, 2010, 12:09:06 pm »
Nope never has - partly cos O sleeps on his tummy 95% of the time and partly cos he usually wakes anyway so I figure I can just give him meds then ::)

I've just had it now TBH.  I wish these teeth would just be through then at least i could stop assuming that's the cause of the problems :(

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Re: Sleep, what's that?
« Reply #173 on: September 26, 2010, 06:31:50 am »
Come on teeth vibes for O.....!~~~~~~~~~~~~

And hugs to you sweetheart.

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Re: Sleep, what's that?
« Reply #174 on: September 26, 2010, 10:20:57 am »
Hope you're having a better day, Laura!

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Re: Sleep, what's that?
« Reply #175 on: September 28, 2010, 19:22:09 pm »
So we are now getting callbacks...  he used to go straight to sleep (or settling anyway) with no probs now every night after about 10mins or so he calls me back.  He has started to do this a bit in the night too, I just don't understand why.

Could it be SA due to me going back to work - he's still like it at the weekends - or maybe something else.  During the day he's started doing this thing where he lays down and starts calling "help, help, in trouble in trouble"  I have no idea where he's got that from and he's also started saying (again during the day) he's scared of things - usually imaginary, could it be that?

I mean I don't have to do much but it's taking it's toll on me.

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Re: Sleep, what's that?
« Reply #176 on: September 28, 2010, 20:17:59 pm »
can it be nightmare? or night terrors?  We had so far night terror once!  That was truely scary... more for us than for DS I think.  Or that O is starting to understand fear?   

If you keep going to him, can that be considered prop also?  I'm just thinking about the water scenario.  hmmm  I'm also going to do w2s to see if the midnight waking is habitual!!  it just doesn't end!! :(

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Re: Sleep, what's that?
« Reply #177 on: September 28, 2010, 20:20:58 pm »
It sounds developmental Laura :-(  These things always crop up at the inconvenient times or all at once!

I would frankly go to him now since it's out of character and *should* just be a phase.  You will know when he's starting to pull your leg and make it habitual.

Good luck to you too Koe :-)
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Re: Sleep, what's that?
« Reply #178 on: September 28, 2010, 20:37:06 pm »
(((hugs))) sweetie, sorry it's still so rough :( I have looked at the sensory list but you're right it's so long!! When I get enough time I AM going to do it cos I am interested too.

So we are now getting callbacks...  he used to go straight to sleep (or settling anyway) with no probs now every night after about 10mins or so he calls me back.  He has started to do this a bit in the night too, I just don't understand why.

I must admit I have got quite tough on DD1 with this exact thing (Like Wendy says, I know she is pulling my leg with it now) she gets the message eventually :P I was taking a v softly softly approach and immediately responding each time she called but I'm being firmer now and leaving her if I know she is just annoyed that I'm not giving in, yk?

Re the fear thing, this could very well be something he's seen on TV couldn't it? DD1 has started saying she is scared of spiders since seeing Peppa being scared of them ::)


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Re: Sleep, what's that?
« Reply #179 on: September 28, 2010, 20:53:15 pm »
I must admit I have got quite tough on DD1 with this exact thing (Like Wendy says, I know she is pulling my leg with it now)
I don't think he is pulling my leg ...YET!!  It's like he needs reassurance, I used to give him a cuddle but have stopped that in the last few days - I just told him he's too heavy!  He's pretty good about it!  I don't think it's a prop cos let's face it he's "happy" to spend an hour or more in the middle of the night without it ::)

He could have got the scared stuff from the TV ::) My mum denies him seeing anything like that but who knows ::) and I don't remember anything (but then I don't remember *anything* lol!)