Author Topic: 16 months old wants to eat only bread  (Read 1344 times)

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16 months old wants to eat only bread
« on: August 23, 2010, 12:51:56 pm »
my DD is 16 months. She always was a fussy eater in terms of variety of food - she did not like vegetables, fruits, fish. I always had to hide them in her meals.
This is how she usually eats (or rather ate :):
- breakfest - 180 ml formula
- around 11 - some cereal with fruit puree
- around 3 - some rise or pasta with meat or fish and some vegetables
- around 7 - 180 ml of formula
Our doctor says it is not a lot, but she gains weight well (she weights around 12 kg at the moment). I tried to offer a variety of food, but it was hard to implement anything new.
Since several days she refuses to eat anything except bread with some butter or cream cheese. And she drinks her formula. But that is all she wants. I am still offering other food, but she simply refuses. I know she is teething and I hope this is connected but anyway I started to be concerned...  ::)
I will appreciate all advices.
Mom to Susanna and Jan

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Re: 16 months old wants to eat only bread
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2010, 04:12:31 am »
To be honest, I would continue to offer other foods as well as the bread.  If she refuses the other foods, then she has at least had some calories from the bread and the formula.  Many children go on what are called Food Jags.  That is, they prefer one thing over everything else.  A friend of mine had a child who would only eat hot dogs, cheese and crackers for a long time.  If you continue to offer the other foods, then she has the option to eat other things.
You could also try putting other toppings on the bread.  Peanut butter will give her some protein, hummas, jam, honey, mashed/pureed vegetables, grilled/broiled cheese, fish are all some things I put on bread for my kids.
8) I BFd a combined total of 4y, 1m & 1d