My LO is eating a variety of food. I try to keep things varied to ensure he doesn't get bored with something and that his palate is trying everything to keep him from becoming a picky eater. We have gone through all the typical fruits, veggies and cereals that are starters and are now getting into proteins (chicken, turkey, egg yolk, beans) and more variety in fruits and veggies (mango, avocado). It doesn't seem to matter what he eats - he has lots of bm's!
They are normal - soft and formed (though squished from sitting on them). There is the odd time there will be a mix of "rabbit turd", as I call it, and I know that is from constipation but it is never bad enough on him that it prevents him from pooping - its usually just in the mix. He is now EFF, and has been since starting solids at 6 months (prior to 6 months EBMilk with F supplement). He is teething now (first tooth) but the excessive bm's started prior to this. He had a couple looser ones today from the teething.
As I said, I am not all that concerned about it as he is happy and healthy, growing and active. but its just nice to know that I am not the only one who has a LO with lots of bm's when all I read about is constipation.