Author Topic: Food throwing - I'm losing my mind. I need it to STOP!!!!  (Read 7406 times)

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Food throwing - I'm losing my mind. I need it to STOP!!!!
« on: September 01, 2010, 18:35:51 pm »
DS has been throwing his food.  OK, so he's always been a bit of a "drop it over the side of the highchair" type kid but the past month or so it has gotten out of control. I / We have tried everything I can think of and nothing is working.  I'm not sure if we've not been consistent enough or if we expected results too soon, but nothing has worked so far.

It is mainly a full on take his food bowl and dump it over the side, or throw it across the kitchen, swipe his arm across anything on his try, or wipe his hand across it (ie/ if it's ketchup, etc) and let it fly across the room. It is with foods he likes and foods he does not like. It is when he is hungry and when he is not hungry.  It is because we are giving him attention and when we are not paying him enough attention.  It can happen suddenly in the middle of something he is eating nicely and then all of a sudden he will pick up his bowl and toss it on the floor with no warning.

We have made him get down and clean it up - being both "Oh noooo, we don't throw our food, let's pick it up!" and pulling the very stern/angry "We do NOT throw food. Pick that up. Now!" We have tried completely ignorning it and not even letting on that we are aware he has thrown anything. We have tried the "Ok, are you done? Then down you get, dinner is finished...." NOTHING has worked.  It's not that we try one way for one night - we have tried to stick with a "method" for at least 2 weeks every time - though the making him pick it up has been a good 3-4 weeks.

I am losing my mind with it. We now eat on the edge of our seats, I am gritting my teeth with anger through the entire meal just in anticipation of it. Any time DS sticks his hand out both DH and I instantly reach for his bowl or anything even slightly in his reach.  I have had enough.  I need a plan - one that will work!!!!!

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Re: Food throwing - I'm losing my mind. I need it to STOP!!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2010, 18:42:02 pm »
Yeah I am just here to listen to the ideas you get... our little dude throws EVERYTHING including food.  We don't do bowls or plates anymore so that large portions can't be thrown at one time.  Hugs!

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Re: Food throwing - I'm losing my mind. I need it to STOP!!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2010, 18:47:15 pm »
Mashi, that would drive me MAD as well.

Have you tried changing where he sits? soa different chair? or maybe on the floor? Maybe taht will make a difference?

Sorry... just trying to grab onto any idea at all!
9 and 6, oh boy!

Offline Mashi

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Re: Food throwing - I'm losing my mind. I need it to STOP!!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2010, 18:48:33 pm »
Have you tried changing where he sits? soa different chair? or maybe on the floor? Maybe taht will make a difference?

Yep - just gives him more range as we can't reach.  We have brought his little table into the kitchen - still throws. Dinner at his little table in the living room where it normally lives - still throws.  ::)

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Re: Food throwing - I'm losing my mind. I need it to STOP!!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2010, 18:50:43 pm »
Could you try just giving him finger foods for a while and give them just one at a time. I know it's a bit of a pain for you but maybe taking a privilege away from him might help, or at least if he doesn't have a chance to do it for a while maybe he'll forget about it?
when you make him clean it up is he ok with that? is it just like a game or does he really not like doing it?

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Offline Mama2boys

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Re: Food throwing - I'm losing my mind. I need it to STOP!!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2010, 18:53:12 pm »
Yep - just gives him more range as we can't reach.  We have brought his little table into the kitchen - still throws. Dinner at his little table in the living room where it normally lives - still throws.

Can i just give you a great big hug?
9 and 6, oh boy!

Offline Mashi

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Re: Food throwing - I'm losing my mind. I need it to STOP!!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2010, 18:55:33 pm »
Most of his foods are finger foods, or at least we let him eat anything he wants to with his fingers if it is easier than a fork/spoon.  Does not matter if there is one or ten, he will throw. If there is just one and he wants to throw he will stand up and reach for something on the table or my plate and throw it.  

He LOVES cleaning it up, thinks it's hilarious. So that's why we started being very stern about it but he has that "haha I made them angry, so it's even more fun!" That's why we stopped the making him clean it up for a while (so there was no "reward" in it) and went to the ignoring.

Offline Mashi

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Re: Food throwing - I'm losing my mind. I need it to STOP!!!!
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2010, 18:55:54 pm »
Yep - just gives him more range as we can't reach.  We have brought his little table into the kitchen - still throws. Dinner at his little table in the living room where it normally lives - still throws.

Can i just give you a great big hug?

:) :-*


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Re: Food throwing - I'm losing my mind. I need it to STOP!!!!
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2010, 19:07:34 pm »
Yes, totally have been there - for weeks and weeks.  It stopped for a while, then a couple of months ago he started doing it again - ALL. THE. TIME.  Exactly the same as your describing - when hungry/not hungry, when likes the food/when he doesn't etc etc.  No apparent reason apart from  desire to fling his food, hurl his plate, toss his fork etc  :P!

One day I was feeling SO angry  :-[, and I decided that it was not OK that my blood was boiling  :-[ :-\ and that I had to do something about it.  We'd tried all the usual stuff, nothing was working.  I'd been reading a parenting book that was talking about how we can't actually control our kids, we can only control ourselves.  So it was suggesting ways of helping them learn stuff that is more based on consequences - not punishment, but consequences for themselves.  I can't explain it very well!  Anyway, on the 'Angry Day' I thought I'd give it a try......

...So, Ben LOVES cars - seriously, he is crazy about them.  At the end of a meal he's always saying "Down, play with cars!".  So, this particular day, when he threw his plate on the floor I just said "oh dear (in a very nonchalent way, and smiled nicely at him), you can't get down from the table until you put your plate on the mat".  I passed him his plate and he hurled it to the floor.  So I just passed him it back and said the same thing.  Wash, rinse, repeat...wash, rinse, repeat.  Sometimes I would add "Wow, Ben would you like to play with your cars?!" (with a big smile on my face), and he would excitedly answer "YES!", and I'd say "Great, just pop your plate on the mat then  :)".  And yet he would proceed to throw the plate, over and over again  ::)!

..........We did this for a total of 50 minutes  :o :o, he has seriously got some willpower!!  I remained calm and pleasant throughout, because I actually realised that it was him who was feeling the consequence of him throwing his plate, and I actually felt in control of myself, rather than annoyed like usual.  After 50 minutes I finally said, "Ben, would you like Mummy to help you put that plate on the mat?".  I took his hand and we both guided the plate onto the mat and he left the plate on the table - hurrah  :)!!  I then said "Great! You put your plate on the table - now we can play with your cars  :)".I got him down from the table, made no more mention of anything to do with plates(!) and just let him get on with playing.  Over the next few days we re-did the whole process, but for much shorter periods of time.  There were also a couple of times where he threw lots of food on the floor and I used the same sort of response but I just made him wait until I had *slowly* swept it up. 

SInce then he has pretty much stopped it altogether.  I know that everyone seems to say that kids this age can't 'control' their impulses, but I really have to question that sometimes.  I *know* that Ben gets that he needs to put his plate on the table now, and I only have to remind him what happens when he doesn't and I can see the cogs turning in his head!!  The whole process is SO much more calm and pleasant now than when I would try and use other 'techniques'!!  Neither of us get annoyed (usually!) because the rules are much clearer. 

Not sure if any of that helps.  I suppose it depends on the child, but I have found that Ben is definately responding well to these sorts of ways of helping him make good choices!! 

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Re: Food throwing - I'm losing my mind. I need it to STOP!!!!
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2010, 19:08:59 pm »
Yikes I thought it would be behaviour that disappears by 2 not gets worse :-(  Sorry mashi, don't have any ideas but a lot of sympathy.  The food throwing gets under my skin here too.  We have a thrower.
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Re: Food throwing - I'm losing my mind. I need it to STOP!!!!
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2010, 19:15:25 pm »
Thank you for that Claire - it totally makes sense, and I know where you are coming from with the calmly repeating it for 50 gruelling minutes....this approach is the same as I did with DS hitting me when he was about 15/16 months old. And after the night of it going on for about an hour, he never hit me again (my way was catching his arm before he hit me and saying "we don't hit" and letting go. And then being prepared to catch his arm again a split second later as he went to do it again). It was really effective - so I am all for it. Thanks.

I have a question though...and maybe it's not what you went through so it might just take your thoughts on the parenting book you read but what would you do if it was say a piece of bread that he threw on the table?  There's no bowl...would you just pick the bread up and tell him "please put it on the table nicely?" What if it is a tiny bowl full of peas and he dumps the peas and puts the pot on the table - would you get down and pick up the peas, put them in the pot and then tell him he needs to do it nicely?  I am all for sitting there "practicing" it for 4 hours if that is what it takes but need to think of all possible scenarious so I don't botch it on day 1! 

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Re: Food throwing - I'm losing my mind. I need it to STOP!!!!
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2010, 19:52:21 pm »
Hey Mashi this is definitely one of the battles that I would have fought as well.  TBH what we did was say (very calmly) I guess you must be all done and then let the boys down from the table.  And they waited until the next snack/meal time before they ate again.  It really didnt take long for the boys to catch on that they shouldnt throw things if they wanted to eat ;D, these little guys are way smarter than we give them credit for ;)

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Re: Food throwing - I'm losing my mind. I need it to STOP!!!!
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2010, 20:01:43 pm »
Just adding some {{{hugs}}}

Toddlers.....I'll swap my super whiny DD for your food flinging DS for a few days!  The break might revive us to deal with them!!  I swear if I said once today 'can you say that in a nice voice like this?' and then as the day progressed 'can you just stop whining right now?', i must have said it a million times. 

No ideas for you at the minute but as everyone says 'this too will pass!' (just hopefully sooner rather than later eh?)


Offline Mashi

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Re: Food throwing - I'm losing my mind. I need it to STOP!!!!
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2010, 20:05:29 pm »
Lana, that approach has never worked either  - he could care less!!

Shiv, we have whining here, too.  ::)  I'm chalking that one up to teeth and age.....and at least I don't have to scrub my floors and repaint the kitchen walls because of the whining!! LOL!

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Re: Food throwing - I'm losing my mind. I need it to STOP!!!!
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2010, 20:15:27 pm »
Quote (selected)
Lana, that approach has never worked either  - he could care less!!

I think the most important thing is that whatever you decide to do you must stick with it.  Earlier you stated that you have tried any number of things and none have worked which may be contributing to the problem.  The most important things that I have learned in the last 7.5 years is that I need to choose my battles and then once I decide that I will fight a battle I come up with the action plan and stick to it.  It has never failed me yet.  Both of the boys know that no means no and mommy always means what she says.