I have a question though...and maybe it's not what you went through so it might just take your thoughts on the parenting book you read but what would you do if it was say a piece of bread that he threw on the table? There's no bowl...would you just pick the bread up and tell him "please put it on the table nicely?" What if it is a tiny bowl full of peas and he dumps the peas and puts the pot on the table - would you get down and pick up the peas, put them in the pot and then tell him he needs to do it nicely?
I think it depends on what you think Mini-Mashi would be able to do at this age. One of my principles is that I want to set Ben up to succeed not fail, (so to reach a 'level' of eating nicely that we can all be happy with, but accepting that it isn't going to be anywhere near perfect for quite a long while yet!) - so I *know* that I would find it VERY hard to get Ben to put all his peas back into a bowl if there was more than two or three and I'd have to come up with something else!! But I suppose this depends on what they are capable of/age/temperament etc. I try to work out what Ben can do and then set the rules around this level, and try to implement them in a way that is not infuriating to him!!
One thing I'm still trying to figure out is what to ignore/just remind him about rather than make a big deal of, or whether it makes things worse to ignore some stuff

. So at the start of EVERY meal time Ben throws his fork on the floor

, and I've pretty much ignored it - just saying "forks don't go on the floor, then stay on the table" and not saying any more about it. But I don't know if that undermines the other stuff we are focusing on - but I hate feeling like I'm on his back about every little thing. I really want us to be on the same side, and to maintain good relationship throughout him learning this stuff!!
A couple of things have helped us
- having a 'special' place for unwanted food, and he is reminded of this at every meal. So normally my plate, or his mat wherever he wants to put it (he likes having a choice I think).
- he has a mat in front of his plate so that when he has finished he pushes his bowl forward onto it. That simple thing (combined with the 50 minute episode!) has really helped - the specific ACTION of pushing his bowl forward rather than just being expected to leave it in one place when he has finished!! It's like his little arms feel the need to communicate to us that he has finished his meal...and whereas previously that was by throwing his plate he now pushes it

Other thing is if Ben is tired and grouchy I 'help' him more - I would hold his hands while we put the plate back on the table as I know if I don't we will pretty much never get there. Sort of like when I 'help' him do gentle hands rather than just tell him to do it - I know he could jolly well still decide to give me another whack straight afterwards and so I see it as a success when he doesn't!!
Not even sure if I've answered your original question Mashi, oops

!! Time for my bed I think!!