Nicole, you sure you don't already know the answer to this one

? He will spit the food out of his mouth, into his hand, and then throw it. (Yes, fave foods too....get him down to pick it up and he will eat his half chewed food from the floor and ask for more!!!)
Writing that out, I almost want to laugh, because it's so frickin "AAARRRRGHHHHHHHH" but honestly, that's what he does! It is as if somewhere along the way, someone told him that food is meant for throwing, and that it's fun and we all do does not matter what you try to do to stop him, he's determined and will find a way!!!!! I need to send him back to the shop for re-programming!!
Lucy - you are right, if we say "ok then you're done, down from the table" he sort of thinks that's a that's another one I need to stop! He does use utensils, most of the time but I am not strict with them. He knows how to use them and hes very good at using them but for foods that he wants to dip (he will eat most meats dipped in tzaziki) it's hard to spear with a fork and dip and not have it fall off, so he uses his fingers, etc. Peas, corn, things like that are easier to pick up with fingers than to try to stab with a fork or not have them roll off a spoon, and so I am really lax about utensils - whatever is the easiest way to get food in is how we do it. I realise that there is an opportunity for someone to say "if the food is in his hands it's easier to throw" but even if he is eating with a fork he will reach onto the table or bowl or MY plate to get something to throw.