Author Topic: Activities for 2, 3.5 and 1 year old?  (Read 2102 times)

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Activities for 2, 3.5 and 1 year old?
« on: September 02, 2010, 01:03:49 am »
Starting next week I am going to be watching another little girl during the days along with my DD. Possibly also another little girl on Wednesdays. The weekly little girl is 3.5 and the Wed. girl is 1. My DD is 2. Although the 3.5 year old will go to preschool on Tues and Thurs mornings I will have her the rest of the time. So far it's only for 10 weeks, but still, that leaves a lot of "hmmm, what should we do today?" for me to figure out...and I am not that creative.

Just looking for some activity ideas that will appeal to all ages and be "easy" for me to keep a close eye on all of them and limit possible rivalry issues. So far "joint" activities I have thought of are:

*outdoor play--water stuff
*supervised free play indoors of course
*coloring/painting --if there is a location to do so without risk of a major mess

Okay so not that many LOL

We will primarily be at the one lady's house so it can't be anything elaborate or messy either.

Offline Mum-of-Two

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Re: Activities for 2, 3.5 and 1 year old?
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2010, 02:15:36 am »
I find the playground quite difficult with two -- running in different directions.  Good for you for managing it!!  I need some helpful hints on that one.

Some of my ideas sound either boring or elaborate but the age group you have is fantastic for simple easy fun.  Small things can be made into a big deal.  Like "tomorrow is picnic day" and even if there is nothing more special about it then eating on the floor on a blanket, those girls might think its the best thing ever.  Something to look forward to, and fun.

Coloring -- not just crayons but those markers that only work on certain paper
Chalk drawing
Dance parties (I do tea party with my daughter but the 1 year old can't sit still so we turn it into a dance party too -- simple hair ribbons could really make them very eager without a lot of investment/mess)
Picnic outside or inside -- extends meal time
Nature crafts -- go out and collect different leaves or grass or flowers, can glue them when the younger one sleeps or just collect them

I will be back to think of more... for now I'm so sleepy my brain isn't working.  But keep the simple thing in mind, sometimes just someone saying "tomorrow we're going to go for a walk" is enough to keep them smiling and looking forward to a new adventure.

Angels 7wks-June07, 11wks-Oct07, 5wks-Jan08