You've gotten great advice already.....!!! We moved when dd was 22 months, and I did everything I could to make it easy for her. We were building a new house, so I was lucky that we could visit almost every day throughout the process...and as soon as her room had carpet we brought some toys over, hung out in there, she'd hide in the closet, it was fun! I painted her room the same color, used the same curtains, same artwork on the walls, and her "view" from her crib was almost identical.
It was so important to me (for some reason) that she not see her crib/dresser/room be broken on that last day in the old house when she woke from her nap, I told dh "You have 6 hours to get the crib, dresser and armoire to the new house, because she is going to sleep tonight in a finished room!" He did great, she and I went out, and she never had to see her room being torn apart. I'm sure it was ME who hated the thought way more than she ever could, but it was non-negotiable!
I LOVE the idea of putting a pic on the fridge, and talking up the "new house" and all the positives that go along with it. Talk, talk, talk.
Any way to visit the new place? As a realtor, I have been asked to give the kiddies a tour or two...I never mind a bit! Don't be scared to ask....! Maybe bring a stuffed animal to leave there to "wait" for him in his new room! He might like to bring a few things to the new place a day or two ahead of time...