This is my first post on the toddler section

Lo turning 1 tomorow

So, here is quicky our routine.
6:30 Wake up and bottle 1 to 3 oz (sometimes she wakes very hungry and take 4oz)
7:30 breakfast
9:15 Bottle before nap 4 oz to 5 oz
(she always took small quantities of milk/bottle, not a milk lover really!)
11:30 lunch
now here is where I need to choose between 2 scenarios
scenario 1:
2:45 1/2 banana
5 Diner (taken with no fussiness at all)
7:30/45 bottle- rarely takes more than 1oz
Scenario 2:
2:45 - bottle 4 oz
6pm Diner (earlier she wouldnt take it)
7:30/45 bottle- she MAY take 1 oz
in both cases when the diner is substantial we have no hunger NW.
I am more inclined to follow scenario 2, since then she will be having her recommended milk for her age. but for now I am going with scenario 1, and adding yogurt and cheeses to all 3 meals, because this is how it SHOULD be at this age! a morning and an evening bottle, right? ....
thank you for your advice ladies, let me know what is best for the long run I guess...