I have no advice, but did enjoy hearing about your LOs who are close in age to T. It is interesting - T stopped putting anything in his mouth after a year and I really don't have to worry about it. He did try to eat a crayon for the first time maybe last week or so, and probably the last time.

But nothing goes in his mouth really, which is a relief because it makes me worry less about choking hazards (still have to be careful though as DH is TERRIBLE for leaving small things lying around, i.e. coins).
As for the colouring, T is not big on it either, but he prefers to draw with a pen over crayons. But like Clare said E does, he draws for a minute then moves onto his hands.

So I have to watch him.
The other day though we were in the dollar store and they had these star shaped soaps, and he grabbed one and took a bite out of it!

You can imagine his face when he realized it wasn't a cookie!