Author Topic: question about introduction of cow's milk  (Read 2212 times)

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Offline Chicane

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question about introduction of cow's milk
« on: September 06, 2010, 21:02:52 pm »
DS is 11.5 months and anyone following my other posts will know he's not really eating much...

He is still i intro cow's milk?

He has only ever had BM and water...other than juice, are there any other beverages I can offer?

Has anyone not given the LO cow's milk? If not than what other drinks did you offer?

I was not brought up drinking milk as a beverage, only on cereal or in cooking so I just cant get my head around offering cow's milk as a drink...

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Re: question about introduction of cow's milk
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2010, 21:09:59 pm »
i am making my way down your posts :P

so, do you plan to continue bf-ing? if so then you should not have to introduce cow's milk at all, just continue his milk feeds with BM.

i gave luke soy milk for a while in the beginning, fearing that cow's milk might upset his reflux. you can offer that, or others such as rice milk, goat's milk, etc.
even now at 3.5 he still only drinks water and then a glass or two of milk a day and the occasional juice.
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Re: question about introduction of cow's milk
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2010, 01:17:37 am »
I started giving T a little cow's milk just before he turned one.  We just started with a bit in his sippy cup at meals.  I was still BFding then, but stopped around 13mos and switched over to milk in sippys only, and he did fine with the transition.  But you can offer other kinds of milk as Jess suggested.  Another option is almond milk mixed with coconut milk, which has a similar nutritional profile to cow's milk. 

T is 2 now and he drinks about 2 cups of milk a day, sometimes less, and lots of water.  Sometimes he gets juice, but we only really introduced juice around 18mos.
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Re: question about introduction of cow's milk
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2010, 02:09:57 am »
Graydon turned one last month and I tried a tiny amount of cow's milk in a sippy but he really didn't take it. I stopped trying because I don't want to stop bfing him, I want him to self wean as my dd did. With her we had to do substitutes to cow's milk because she used to have a milk protein allergy. Now, at almost 5, she drinks 2 glasses of milk a day and water the rest of the day. Juice is only for parties and special holidays :) due to the sugar content.
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Offline Chicane

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Re: question about introduction of cow's milk
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2010, 20:40:51 pm »
thanks for your responses everyone. I don't plan to stop BFing just yet...I am not sure when I will stop that and I think I may let DS decide unless it turns into a problem for me...just going with the flow on that one.

So let me get this straight

Cows milk is offered because of its nutritional value?
If I am BFing I don't need to offer it?
I can start to offer other beverages (other then water)?

I am not planning on juice just yet, cause of the sugar too

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Re: question about introduction of cow's milk
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2010, 01:23:54 am »
This link has some really good information re cow's milk for toddler's and I think might answer most your questions:

As for other beverages, what is it you are interested in offering?  I can't really think of anything else to offer a toddler other than types of milk, water, or occasional juice, except maybe teas which would be considered safe for children.  Other than that there's really nothing else they would need to drink I don't think.
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Re: question about introduction of cow's milk
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2010, 01:03:36 am »
I agree with pps. We do milk, diluted juice and water. Actually, DD has been requesting juice too often so I am enforcing more milk or water selections through the day to avoid giving her too much.

Yeah, the only other beverages I can think of besides milk, water and juice are coffee, soda, and teas. Most of which have lots of sugar or caffeine???? I was also curious what you were considering offering????

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Re: question about introduction of cow's milk
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2010, 20:12:21 pm »
do u give cows milk on cereal? thats a good way of introducing it at first i guess. and then i spose once your BF'ing winds down offer cups of milk as an option and take your lead from your LO. 

i am struggling with my (now FF 11m old) to take milk in a cup at all! milk is for bottles only apparently!! ; )
Anna x

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Re: question about introduction of cow's milk
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2010, 01:37:51 am »
I offer my 3 yo water mixed with powdered drink mix, specifically the brand I use is crystal light.  I tend to dilute it.  No sugar and only 5 calories.  Now, how can it only have 5 calories?  It uses an artificial sweetener (which is a entirely different issue that some Moms will debate the merits of). 

The apple juice I let her drink is a Light juice.  It has 14g of sugar in an 8 ounce serving. Don't forget that milk also has sugar (2% milk has 12g of sugar for the same size serving).