C is 14 weeks (I think....) and we are finally starting to get some decent naps. I work on getting 1 independent nap in the crib daily and the last 3 or 4 days we have gotten that. Some days we even get 2 naps. But that 3rd nap is a nightmare. Sleep after 4 pm in general has always been hard. When that was a cat nap, it was difficult too. I always AP'd this last nap however I could get the nap it, since he screams the house down and will not sleep. But the past 2 days, he won't even be AP'd.
I have been journaling our EASY for the past week and here are the past couple of days.:
9/4 NW: 3 am, ssshed back to sleep
Wake and eat: 5 am 7 ounces
S: 5:30 - 7
E: 3 ounces
S; 8:45- 9:25 sshed back to sleep 9:35 - 10:45
E: 7 ounces @11:15
S: 12:30 - 2:45 (out, so fell asleep in the car seat)
E: 6 ounces @ 3
S: 4:40 - 6:10 crying out here and there, continually ssshing in swing
E: 7 ounces @7
bed: 7:54
NW 4 am wouldn't resettle: 6 ounces
S: 5- 7:15
E: 7:45 3 ounces
S: 8:45 - 10:15
E: 7 ounces @11
S: 12:45 - 2:50
E: 5 ounces @ 3
S: 4:40 - 5:10
E: 6:30 7 ounces
Bed 7:35
We were out this night and I tried to get him to sleep more and earlier and it wouldn't happen.
NW: 2 am - resettled
NW 3 - wouldn't resettled - 4 ounces at 3:30
S: 4 - 7:10
E: 6 ounces at 7:30
S: 8:50 - 11:05
E: 5 ounces @11:15
S: 12:55 - 1: 20 in stroller, then 1:20 - 2:35 in swing
E: 6 ounces @ 2:45
S: 4:24 - 4:55
E: 6 ounces @ 6:15
bed 7
Tonight I tried a longer A after the 2nd nap. He did go to sleep in his crib, which he never does. But he woke screaming 30 minutes later. I tried all forms of AP to get him to sleep: swing, carrier, rocking, etc. Nothing would work.
He wakes on his own every morning. I don't wake him and he always wakes in the 7 am hour and of course never wants to eat, because he just ate.
It is getting difficult to deal with this last nap, especially on nights like tonight while I am by myself, I am trying to make dinner, and I have a toddler who likes to cry like his brother now.
So what can I do? Can I let him sleep longer for the first couple of naps in case this happens? I do wake him from both naps. He could easily go 4 hours between feeds. I just don't know how to manage this part of the evening.
I am sorry this is so long. I just need help. Please and thank you!