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Please help 9 wo sleep getting worse
« on: September 09, 2010, 20:15:05 pm »

I'm hoping someone can look at the pattern that has developed and help me to improve things. DS's sleep is getting worse and I am exhausted. I don't think it is only a sleep issue, though, but related to eating and gas as well. I will post what has happened since last night (this has been the patter for the last 3-4 days).

S 7pm
Woke 9:45 - dh gave bottle EBM (about 2 oz), down by 10:10
Woke 12:45 - bf only one side, not much taken - not settled till 2:15 - gas and burping problems (am thinking I should just not feed at this time as he doesn't take much but ends up not settling for ages).
Woke - 3:05 - hungry (took him into bed as exhausted)
Woke between 5:30-6:50 - off and on fussing and grunting due to gas
E 6;45 (to sleep)
S till 7:40 (some dozing, some sleep)
A - offered breast as not sure he took whole feed before
S - started at 8:15 - not asleep until 9:40 - 10:00  :o due to gas, burps, then hunger and poop, then serious OT (this is becoming more common - taking forever to settle)
E 10:20 - took a good feed both sides - yay!
S 11:00-12:00 in Moby wrap - woke crying and wanted to nurse (about 5-6 minutes)
E - 12:10
S - started at about 1 - not down till 1:50 (fed abit again before falling asleep on breast - (sigh...)- now almost 2 hrs since last woke. It's 2:45 now and he's waking again  :'(.

And so our days and nights go. I am spending more and more time trying to get him to sleep only to have him sleep less and less, it seems. Some issues I think are contributing to this:
Gas is a big problem that interferes with eating, causing partial feeds and delaying it sometimes till next sleep time. I really want to get eating away from sleep because it interferes with falling asleep.

Would post more not sure what else would be useful to know. I did make a similar post under night sleep but didn't get much response and really it is more than just a night issue.

I am willing to do whatever I need to improve things. Am feeling like a failure today.  :P

Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)

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Re: Please help 9 wo sleep getting worse
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2010, 20:24:07 pm »
How does your LO fall asleep? Is it independant or does he have some props?
Is he on any meds for the gas? Do you know what is causing it? Reflux/colic??
Hugs to you, you sound worn out. Have you thought of an osteopath for the gas issues, we did it with our second and she was like a different child after it. Probably some other ladies out there that can give you more advice.
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Offline aidenmc

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Re: Please help 9 wo sleep getting worse
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2010, 21:02:08 pm »

I will look into an osteopath. Seeing the dr next week and will discuss reflux. We were starting working on independent sleep and had some successes when we put him down drowsy but awake and just patted him (not always). He uses a paci (more and more now) but usually spits it out when falling asleep. He is swaddled but it never holds. I've been having less success getting him to start in the crib the past few days (moved from cot in our bedroom to crib in his own last weekend). I guess I don't want to battle him in the crib if he is upset already going in. Lately he will start screaming ( like frustration) when he knows we are going for bed. I've debated just putting him in the crib and doing pat/ssh from the beginning but think that with hunger and gas pains needing relieving, right now that approach may cause more grief. Or maybe I'm wrong on this? Anyway, I would say that about 35% of the time he's falling asleep in his crib with some patting or httj. Sorry for short language - babe in arms in mobi.
Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)

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Re: Please help 9 wo sleep getting worse
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2010, 02:33:08 am »
HUGS to u sweety. I'm in the same boat as u. I have a 9 wo Ds who is colicky and he's not sleeping at night as well. He's up EVERY 2 hrs at night and I'm exhausted.

Have u tried giving your DS gripe water. I find that it helps with his gas a lot and it works instantly.

I'm bumping on ur post to see if u get any advice that might help me too.

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Re: Please help 9 wo sleep getting worse
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2010, 03:16:12 am »
I'm also having the same problem, Becky.  I have used Gripe Water, and it was working okay, but the one I have says not to give more than six times a day.  I'm already tired, and I wasn't sure how many times I was giving it in a day, so I switched to Mylicon which can be given after every feed.  I started giving it after every feed earlier today, and she is doing much better. She got a lot of her gas out before bedtime. Also during activity time, I've been putting her on her stomach, and that is getting out some gas also.  When she is not gassy, she'll go 5 hours stretches at night.  But with gas, my schedule looks a lot like yours.

Another thing I tried (when I wasn't exhausted and it worked) was not feeding her in the middle of the night.  I too have times when I feed her, and she nurses for like 5 minutes and then she's off and won't open her mouth at all.  So the next night, I held her, and kept giving the paci to her, and she went back to sleep without eating.  It took about 10-15 minutes, but she did it.  The only thing with that is that the screaming totally wakes you up. Sometimes it's easier to just feed them, IYKWIM.  Soon after using the paci was when she went 5 hours before waking.  Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

Fiona, how did the osteopath help?  Someone recommended one to me, but I wasn't sure how it worked.

Offline aidenmc

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Re: Please help 9 wo sleep getting worse
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2010, 15:59:11 pm »
Hi ladies. Poor ds is sick today - has had a fever all night. DS2 was home from school a couple of days ago with the stomach flu so I'm guessing he caught it. TYlenol has made him more comfortable but he is not sleeping long this morning (although I did get him down in his crib with almost not help from me). It's funny, I'm stressing less today about what I am doing with him because he is sick and I just want to make him comfortable...Heading to the doctor's this afternoon.

I'm using gripe water and the simethicone. Giving him more gripe water than before as I think I wasn't giving enough. Not yet sure if it's making much of a difference. I definitely and going to try to settle him without feeding at the second wake-up as well as getting more into him during the day. Am also curious about how the osteopath helped.
Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)

Offline fiona1274

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Re: Please help 9 wo sleep getting worse
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2010, 06:10:22 am »
TBH I am not very sure how it helped!! We went to an osteopath and she said that DD2 had a compresion at the base of her skull which was more than likely caused by the labour and some issue with her diaphram area?? She sorted her skull as she said it was probably giving her a permanent sore head and said she may need a follow up for her stomach, she had reflux which was much better after we had been but still an issue and I never went back partly due to the ocst and also because I believed she would grow out of it. I took a while, but in hindsight I maybe should have gone back for a follow up??

Isn't it odd that when your LO is sick its OK but when they are whinging (for no apparent reason) you get stressed and moan about it. It often seems that you have an answer to the problem and it makes things feel better!!

I used Colief with DS and it seemed to work. I only used it before bed at night as there seemed to be more of a build up of gas at night. I used it for about 6 weeks and then his gut seemed to mature and he handles his gas alot better.

I know people worry about props and things but I have to say that my 3rd and 4th child had/have dummies and I think you should use whatever keeps you sane to get you through the early months, you shoul only worry if they take over your life!!

Hope things get better soon.
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Offline aidenmc

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Re: Please help 9 wo sleep getting worse
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2010, 15:21:13 pm »
Thanks Fiona. DS is becoming more fond of his paci and last night he fell asleep at bedtime (after crying and fussing was over  ::)) in his crib with his paci and a tight swaddle. He was asleep by 7:15 (after only 3 1/2 hour naps and a 9 am wake-up) ::), but didn't wake till 11:20 - his longest evening yet! I was able to resettle after feeds with the paci again so I really think it will be helpful (with my other kids it would have been the boob). Also this morning he woke at 7 and was tired by 7:30 and went to sleep (albeit in the bed with me) with the paci at 7:40 until 9:00. So, he will be keeping it until it becomes more trouble than it's worth. Right now it is my best friend  ;D. Gotta go - he's waking. He is feeling better today. Am hoping the fever was the worst of it and he doesn't start vomiting like ds 2 did  :).
Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)

Offline fiona1274

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Re: Please help 9 wo sleep getting worse
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2010, 16:45:34 pm »
I call it a sanity stick not a dummy!! It brings me sanity and thats all that matters.
Hope things are still going smoother.
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Offline aidenmc

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Re: Please help 9 wo sleep getting worse
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2010, 15:24:35 pm »
Ugh! Rough morning! DS was showing tired signs upon waking at 7:45. A few days ago we had success with a very sort A time so today had him asleep by 8:30 (he was pretty fussy at wind down time, which I am thinking I should start calling 'pin down time'). However, he then woke at 9, not fussing, seemingly bright eyed. Brought him downstairs and put in swing where he started yawning a lot and soon fussing. Wouldn't stay on boob (thought may be hungry) and wouldn't stay asleep though clearly tired. I've only gotten him down at 11 after so many false starts. Hasn't taken a proper feed either, though was showing hunger, latching on then off again. Am so frustrated this morning as I am supposed to be finishing thesis revisions which I need to get done soon and night sleep is still up every 3 hours or less. Something has got to give.

He is also getting harder to settle in the crib. Yesterday I didn't get him to sleep once in there (always had to put him down asleep as too fussy and squirmy), although I had better success during the night. I really don't know what to do differently. Should I be keeping him in the crib after wind down regardless of his state? I just won't be able to pat or shush when he gets really worked up as he is too rigid and squirmy.
Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)