we are in the middle of shifting from 2 to 1 nap. but I need to fit in a proper feeding schedule.
Here is how things are for the moment.
wake 7:15
bottle - very little - around 2oz
Breakfast 8:15
Nap @ 11:00 ( for now) till 1:30 or 2:00 pm
Lunch as soon as awake
Diner 6:00 ( she is not hungry before)
Bottle 7:15 - very little - around 2oz
S 7:30
she woke for 2 nights before 12, for some 2oz which never really happens.
I know her milk is very small, but she is teething and nothing helps her take in more when that happens.
should I give her smthg before her first nap, she used to take a bottle, but not lately...
any ideas?
many thanks